This is the one stop shop for the University of Bucharest journals. The platform will host the past, present and future editorial efforts aiming for an unified experience and practice.


  • Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis

    Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis is a scientific international journal founded in 1959, published once a year. The journal publishes original papers focused on aspects of plant anatomy and morphology, systematic botany, plant, algae and fungi biodiversity, plant physiology and biochemistry, plant genetics and biotechnology, plant pathology, horticulture.

  • Annals of the University of Bucharest. Geography Series

    Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie (Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series) is a yearly peer-reviewed scientific journal dating since 1952. It has an integrative approach publishing articles from various fields of interest both of physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, etc.) and of human geography (geodemography, settlement geography, social geography, etc.). Its aims are to comprise themes of large interest from various domains of activity for geographers in general as geography itself is a broad discipline with a high interdisciplinary character. The journal contents research articles, discussions of current issues of large interest for different geographic disciplines, case studies, reports, book reviews. Articles are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.

    Being for many years the main scientific publication of the largest Faculty of Geography in the country, part of the University of Bucharest, and being edited at the Publishing House of the same institution the review benefited of an uninterrupted international and national exchange with over 30 similar international publications in the same field for more than 50 years.

    Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie (Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series) welcomes though contributors in the field of geography from all disciplinary perspectives no matter their area of research as particularities of different territories generates study cases for widespread general geographic phenomena.

    Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie (Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series) is an OPEN ACCESS journal aiming the free dissemination of scientific results among the worldwide research community. All the papers received are submitted to the scientific peer-review process, which is the main and the only review process of the journal.
    At the same time the journal has no article processing and article submission charges.

    This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

    Authors published by Annals of the University of Bucharest retain full copyright and publishing rights of their papers on the journal website.

  • Analele Universității București. Informatică

    The journal is primarily devoted to papers in Computer Science. It will also publish a list of open problems, reviews of books, monographs, proceedings and miscellanea. Of great interest are the following domains: Artificial Intelligence, Automata Theory, Computational Complexity, Computer Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods, Formal Languages, Program Schemes, Theory of Programming Languages, Recursive Functions. Other topics, such as Boolean Algebra, Combinatorics, Constructive Mathematics, Graph Theory, Computational Statistics and Numerical Analysis are also included, to the extent to which they are relevant to Computer Science.

  • Analele Universității din București - Istorie

    Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti - Istorie or The Historical Journal of the University of Bucharest is a fully refereed periodical published by Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti and one of eldest of its kind in Romania. It is published in one issue every year since 1956 and in two issues per year starting 2011.

    The Historical Journal of the University of Bucharest was devoted, from the moment if its inception, to promoting original research. It published a number of the most reputed Romanian historians of the last decades, but it also welcomed many contributions from international scholars. Open to topics covering all periods of history since Antiquity to the present times and all field of historical research, Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti - Istorie also hosted opinions on the theoretical and methodological approaches to researching, interpreting and writing history.

    The journal publishes articles of original and significant research and interpretation, reviews of scholarly books and topical review essays. In the last years, the journal encouraged quality submissions from graduate students and young reseachers.

  • Annals of the University of Bucharest. Philosophy Series

    The Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy Series, is a philosophical research open-access journal, published by the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy.
    The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophy Series, is a scholarly double blind peer reviewed journal. The journal publishes articles considered of relevance for those interested in the field of philosophy and is addressed both to the Romanian and international philosophical community, with a special accent on East- and Central-European area.
    The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophical series, is devoted to the exploration of different topics of Philosophy.
    Currently the journal is indexed by EBSCOhost, Philosopher’s Index with Full Text , ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, DOAJ, ESCI.

  • Analele Universității București. Limba și literatură română

    The journal Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Limba şi literatura română [Annals of the University of Bucharest. Romanian Language and Literature] publishes articles and reviews dealing with various and relevant philological topics in neighboring disciplines: linguistics regarding Romanian and/or other languages; Romanian literature; universal and comparative literature; theory of literature; Romanian and comparative folklore; cultural anthropology; it also encourages researches undertaken from a pluri- and interdisciplinary perspective, which place the Romanian language, literature, and culture in a broader theoretical and analytical framework.

    The journal is available both in print and electronic format (open access, on the webpage

    The journal is indexed in various international data bases (Erih Plus, Ebsco, CEEOL, etc.) and is recognised by The National Council for Research in Higher Education (CNCS, B category). 

  • Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

    Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti. Limbi si Literaturi Straine (“The Annals of the University of Bucharest”, Foreign Languages and Literatures) is published twice a year. It publishes work of current interest in the following areas: linguistics, literature, cultural studies, translation studies.

    First issue in 1952.

  • Annals of the University of Bucharest. Political Science Series

    Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti. Ştiinţe Politice [Annals of the University of Bucharest. Political Science Series] is the open access peer-review academic journal of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (FSPUB) and it is published by Bucharest University Press. As of the 2020/2021 academic year, it is administratively managed within the Department of Comparative Governance and European Studies of FSPUB. Established in 1999 as yearly publication, since 2011 it has two issues per year and covers all major fields within political science(s), promoting an interdisciplinary perspective on the discipline.

    The journal welcomes original articles in English, French, or Romanian in all fields of political science and related research areas, including political theory, political sociology, international relations, political history, law and political economy. The journal aims to stimulate original and innovative research through the development of new spaces for high-quality academic encounters at both national and international level. We are looking for contributions from both well-established scholars and young researchers, including shorter pieces such as reviews and review essays.

    All articles published in this journal are open access and free to access immediately from the date of publication. The journal does not charge any fees to download articles for scholarly use. All published items are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as the source is cited.

    The journal operates under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License. This allows for the reproduction of articles, free of charge, for non-commercial use only and with the appropriate citation information. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. All authors publishing with us accept these as the terms of publication.

    The journal is archived in print with the National Library of Romania (legal deposit) and it is also available in the Central University Library system of Romania, which provides copies nationally and internationally via inter-library loan. The full digital archive of the journal is available for free and in open access on the journal’s website (, as well as within several international databases.

  • Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics

    Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics publishes novel contributions of current interest in all areas of theoretical and applied linguistics. It aims to offer a platform for synchronic and diachronic research, with no specific theoretical or trend bias. The only criteria applied in the selection of papers are research quality and scholarly integrity.

    The journal publishes articles, review articles and book reviews of recently published titles. Themed special issues are also welcomed.

    From 2020, all papers are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) at the time of publication.

    Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics is a fully open access journal. It is published in print and online twice a year by the Centre for the Study of Language Development and Linguistic Communication, University of Bucharest. It has been continuously published since 1999.

    Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The reviewers are experts in the domain of the paper which they are invited to evaluate.

    The journal has no submission charges and no article processing charges for authors. Financial support (DOI registration, web hosting, printing, and distribution) is provided by The University of Bucharest.

  • Euro-Atlantic Studies New Series

    Euro-Atlantic Studies (EAS) is an academic, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal, published by the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Studies „Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Bușe” of the University of Bucharest. Founded in 1998, the journal aims to make available to the scientific community and the general public the results of recent academic research in the field of International Relations.

    The Journal also aims to provide help to authors to publish their papers conveniently and spread their research worldwide, stimulating academic debate in the field of social sciences. We try our best to ensure the novelty of each research manuscript being published in EAS.

  • Bukarester Beiträge zur Germanistik

    BBG aims at offering a platform for the discussion of linguistic, literary, translatological, and didactic subject matters in German studies. The annual thematic issues may also include other articles on different topics under Varia.

  • GeoPatterns

    GeoPatterns was founded in 2016 and it is supported and promoted by the the Center for Risk Studies, Spatial Modelling, Terrestrial and Coastal System Dynamics, Department of Geomorphology, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest. GeoPatterns publishes mainly original, high quality, peer-reviewed (DOI-assigned) research papers in all fields of spatially integrated geosciences and humanities, as well as reviews, research notes, and reports. The aim of GeoPatterns is to build a framework for the holistic understanding of our planet and its natural and social environments, by identifying the patterns that sustain the world.

    All scientific papers accepted for publication are thoroughly analysed by a scientific committee formed by Romanian and foreign university professors, internationally recognized in their area of expertise.

    GeoPatterns’s topics coverage makes the journal essential reading for geographers, as well as for researchers from other disciplines, such as disaster management, ecology, geology, sociology, psychology, anthropology (links nature and culture), environmental studies, urban planning, and cultural studies. The main language of the journal is English.

    GeoPatterns is an open access journal and the content of the journal is freely available immediately upon publication.

  • Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography

    Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography was first published in 2007 to provide an international forum of social, economic and cultural contributions to the fields of human geography. It is a peer-reviewed journal, has both online and print versions and ISSNs. It represents the initiative and effort of the members of the Human Geography Department, Faculty of Geography from University of Bucharest.

    Human Geographies – is a biannual publication with a content solely in English which can be viewed at

    Human Geographies is committed to publish scholarly research and informed commentaries on a wide category of human geography aspects (including urban and rural issues, demography, social, economic and cultural environment), place issues, and space issues. It welcomes contributions from the growing numbers of scholars and practitioners across geography, humanities and social and environmental sciences who are interested in human, economic and cultural geographies. The publication is particularly committed to the development of interpretative approaches to the above mentioned issues. It does not restrict its remit to any particular methodological or theoretical orientation, but publishes both scholarly papers and more speculative pieces designed to further understanding and debate.

    Contents include original articles, notes and comments. Regular contributions are drawn from the fields of human geography, economics and economic geography, planning, territorial development, infrastructure development, sociology, population studies and public administration, public policies. 

  • MELISENDRA. Journal of Spanish Early Modernity Studies

    MELISENDRAJournal of Spanish Early Modernity Studies publishes annually original investigation studies written in Spanish and English, on topics related to Spanish Early Modernity on both sides of the Atlantic. Preference is given to interdisciplinary studies elaborated from a historical-comparative perspective. The contents of the journal can be accessed free of charge on the website of the Publishing House of the University of Bucharest and on Melisendra website.

    The works published in this journal include the title, the abstract and approximately 5 keywords, written both in English and Spanish. Each work includes its author´s full name and E-mail address. Previously to their publication, the articles have been anonymously subjected to a process of double-blind peer review, performed by objective and independent evaluators, whose affiliations to universities and investigation institutions are completely different from those of the authors´.

    Facts and opinions displayed in the works published here are the exclusive responsibility of their authors. The Editorial Committee  of MELISENDRAJournal of Spanish Early Modernity Studies is by no means to be held responsible for the published works authenticity or credibility. Their visions, perspectives, and opinions do not necessarily reflect the ones of the editorial team. The contents of the original works published in this journal are the exclusive property of the journal and of the Publishing House of the University of Bucharest. Therefore, any full or partial citation or reproduction must include their source.

  • Revista Cercurilor studenţeşti ale Departamentului de Limba şi Literatura Franceză

    Hosted by the Bucharest University Press, Revista Cercurilor studenţeşti ale Departamentului de Limba şi Literatura Franceză (RCSDLLF) – ‘The French Department’s Student Research Group Journal’ – is a yearly publication of the French Language and Literature Department (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest), founded in 2012 and opened to contributors among the students of all 3 education degrees the Department provides (bachelor’s degree – licence, master’s degree and doctorate). The journal gathers the best papers authored by members of the Department’s five student scientific research groups: French Literature, Culture and Civilization; French theoretical and applied linguistics; ContrasTER (Contrastive analysis, specialized translations and terminology), CENTRAL (literary translations), and The extreme contemporary literature: the Prix Goncourt. Selections by Romanian Students (a research group organized around the works of the Bucharest Jury that designates the Romanian laureate of the Prix Goncourt, an international cultural event the French Language and Literature Department is part of since 2013). Other contributions presented by our students in all kinds of national or international scientific events are also included. Each contribution is validated by an expert who officially endorses its coordination as well as by a prestigious international scientific committee.

    During the past years, RCSDLLF – a unique undertaking in student scientific research on the international level – set rather high standards of excellence for the youngest generation of true researchers, and it was recognized as such not only in Romania, but also abroad. In effect, the journal gained more and more international visibility due to the direct involvement of the French Language and Literature Department, through some elite student teams, in the Jury for the Goncourt Prize. Since 2017, the journal is also open to contributors from other French departments in Romanian universities.

    RCSDLLF is a special presence in the landscape of Romanian humanities journals due to the young age of both its authors and of its target audience (bachelor’s degree students, master students or doctoral students). While still very young (most of them just earned their bachelor’s degree), the authors exhibit exceptionally mature analytical and hermeneutical skills, and their papers set genuinely top standards in scientific research that benefit all their colleagues (the main readership of the journal).

    All contributions are written in French.


  • Romanian Biotechnological Letters

    The Romanian Biotechnological Letters journal (hereinafter RBL), published by the University of Bucharest was founded by Prof. IOAN I.F. DUMITRU and has now become one of the most important international scientific journals in the field of biotechnology and related disciplines published in Romania.
    The Journal publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications. The main thematic areas of publications supported by RBL are: cellular and molecular biology, applied microbiology (microbial ecology, industrial microbiology, medical microbiology, immunology), functional genomics, metabolic engineering, physiology, ecology, nanotechnology, agriculture and farming improvement techniques, development of experimental methodology in medical, materials, life sciences and biotechnology.
    The RBL editorial committee is formed by academic and research scientific personalities from Romania, Ireland, England, Germany, Turkey, Serbia, India, USA and Canada.
    The RBL journal is included in the UEFISCDI (Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation) list of the ISI - indexed Romanian journals on the basis of indexation in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), being also indexed in other major databases or regular periodicals of scientific information with an old tradition in the international scientific community.

  • Revista CICSA online, serie nouă/ CICSA Journal online, New Series

    Revista CICSA, serie nouă reprezintă publicația anuală online a Centrului de Istorie Comparată a Societăților Antice (CICSA), în conținutul căreia se regăsesc studii și articole (redactate în limbi de circulație internațională), recenzii și prezentări de carte, din domeniile: istorie, istorie antică, arheologie, artă, istorie culturală, studii culturale. Materialele publicate reprezintă prioritar activitatea de cercetare a Centrului, redactările comunicărilor susținute în cadrul sesiunilor sale lunare și anuale, dar și alte contribuții și analize pluridisciplinare ale unor subiecte din domeniile menționate, după ce au fost supuse unui sistem de peer reviewed, specificat și în normele de redactare.

  • Romano-arabica

    Romano-Arabica is an annual, peer-reviewed, international journal published by the Center for Arab Studies, University of Bucharest, since 2001. In 2018, it was evaluated in the A-class Academic Journal Articles category by Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR) in Italy, and in 2020, CNCS (Consiliul Național al Cercetării Științifice – National Council for Scientific Research) classified it as a category A journal in the field of humanities. The journal is dedicated to the study of Arabic language (classical and dialectal), Arab literature (classical and modern), Islamic thought, Islamic societies, the interaction between the Arab civilization and other civilizations, etc. The Editorial and Advisory Board consists of the academic staff of the Center for Arab Studies of the University of Bucharest and leading scholars in Arab and Islamic studies from prestigious academic institutions around the world.

  • Romanian Journal of Analytic Philosophy

    The journal publishes articles in analytic philosophy broadly construed. Topics range from logic, philosophy of mathematics and epistemology to metaphysics, philosophy of biology, philosophy of cognitive science and philosophy of language, but is not limited to these areas. Submissions are subject to peer blind review. For issues in the past two years, more than 28% of submissions were published after at most two rounds of review. The journal primarily targets early career researchers in philosophy or doctoral students, but carefully analyzes each submission and is open to all collaborative projects, especially those coming from researchers in social sciences or humanities.  

  • Romanian Studies Today

    As a transdisciplinary journal, Romanian Studies Today has the purpose to maintain a constant scientific interest in the topics related to regional philology and regional studies. The journal publishes one issue per year both print, and online. Its main domains include: the positioning of Romanian studies as integrating part of contemporary social and humanities subjects, issues related to Romanian as a foreign/non-native language. Romanian Studies Today is a journal for specialists, researchers and instructors in Romanian studies in all universities and research centres, and also for specialists, researchers and instructors in regional studies, history, anthropology, political studies or researchers in other domains with an interest in Romanian language, literature, culture and civilisation.

    Romanian Studies Today is edited by the Centre of Romanian Studies at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. The journal was established following the incorporation of the Centre of Romanian Studies at the University of Bucharest. One of objectives of the Centre was to edit a pluri- and interdisciplinary journal, observing all scientific regulations in force, meant for national and international academia, with focus on Romanian Studies. The first issue was published in 2017. Albeit rather recent, our journal has enjoyed the publication of some prestigious authors in the field of Romanian Studies from Romania and from abroad.

  • Slovo

    Slovo is an multidisciplinary, undergraduate and postgraduate Faculty-reviewed academic journal, affiliated with the Russian and Slavic Philology Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest and other higher education institutions. The journal is focused on presenting student scholarship in the fields of Slavic and East-European cultural, social and political affairs. Slovo encourages student research by offering valuable early experience of academic publishing. Slovo publishes articles of original research and interpretation, reviews of scholarly books, literary translations. 

  • Studia Doctoralia Psychology and Educational Science

    Studia Doctoralia Psychology and Education is the official journal of The Doctoral School of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania, published by the Doctoral Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development (CCIIDD). Audience and potential contributors include scholars, educators, consultants, practitioners, doctoral students, teachers and other professionals from all over the world and in all the applied fields of psychology and education science.

  • Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review

    Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles in all major areas of political science, including Romanian politics, European politics, political theory, comparative politics, political sociology, public policy, international relations, and global studies. Founded in 2001 and focusing particularly on Central Eastern Europe, it welcomes contributions on a wide range of geographical areas and topics that aim to advance the field through both theoretical and empirical innovative studies. The journal invites submissions of original articles, book reviews, and reviews essays.

  • Styles of Communication

    Styles of Communication is an international open access journal which is published bi-annually by the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies (University of Bucharest, Romania) in cooperation with the Committee for Philology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch, Poland.

    The main purpose of Styles of Communication is to show the unity existing within global diversity. As communication implies, besides the transfer of information to others and the decoding of the others’ messages, the production of meaning within (non)verbal texts/objects is closely connected to interculturality, creativity and innovation and it needs a refining of styles in order to avoid misunderstandings.

    This journal is a plea for interdisciplinarity as its aim is to include different perspectives on cultural studies, coming from different fields, such as communication, political and sociological studies, public relations, semiotics, linguistics, anthropology, translation studies and so on.

  • University Arena

    Annual journal of articles in the interdisciplinary fields: science of sport and physical education and health

  • University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series

    University of Bucharest Review was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. Over the years, we have published issues bearing such diverse titles as Fictions of NatureGenres and HistoricityDurability and TransienceWriting the Self, or Modernity: The Crisis of Value and Judgment which include papers focusing on various topics from the fields of critical theory, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translatology, comparative literature, the study of nationalism and postcommunism.

    We have always encouraged all contributors to approach these topics in an unbiased and open manner, so that their papers would reflect the current controversies on the role of literature in the humanities and in society at large, the contentious relationship between cultural theory and cultural practice, the unstable balance between centre and margin, the elusive nature of truth, the fluctuations of cultural identities, norms and values in today’s world, regarded both as a global village and as a cluster of competing local cultures.

    The journal’s originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered scholarship, both theory, and practice/ applied analysis, and coverage of the entire English-speaking space; 2. pluralism: no theoretical or ideological partisanship, pooling scholars from all areas of the world, all national and academic cultures; open-minded engaging of contentious subjects; 3. extended cultural discourse studies: screening the entire field of applicability for the notion of discourse and discourse studies as a suprasegmental concept, meant to bring together under the same umbrella critical theories, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translation theories, comparative literature, as well as the study of nationalism and post-communism, visual culture and performance arts.

    UBR publishes two issues at the end of each calendar year.