MATTHIAS BERNT, 2022, The commodification gap. Gentrification and Public Policy in London, Berlin and St. Petersburg

Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, xiii+258 p.


  • GABRIEL CAMARĂ Faculty of Geography and Geology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași Author



Positive transformations in cities, such as investment in disadvantaged areas, are happening all over the world. This phenomenon is called
gentrification, and the scientific literature on it is very rich, because of the controversies that accompany it. The commodification gap. Gentrification and Public Policy in London, Berlin and St. Petersburg is an excellent book that combines theoretical and empirical emphasis, the
objective also targeted by the book series of which this book is a part – the IJURR (International Journal of Urban and Regional Research) Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series, which “shares IJURR’s commitments to critical, global and politically relevant analyses of our urban worlds” (p. xi).





How to Cite

MATTHIAS BERNT, 2022, The commodification gap. Gentrification and Public Policy in London, Berlin and St. Petersburg: Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, xiii+258 p. (2024). Annals of the University of Bucharest. Geography Series, 72(1).