Jeux autour d’un débordement poïétique dans La Clef des langues de Valère Novarina


  • FABIANA FLORESCU l’Université de Bucarest Author



débordement, poetic apparatus, contemporary theatre, drawing, intermediality


The work of Valère Novarina continues to express a very interesting reflection on the complex and heterogeneous dynamics of French contemporary literature. In his hybrid, both poetic and dramatic apparatus, but also in his performances or the context of his personal art exhibitions, Novarina develops a compound symbolic dialogue between text and image, thereby undermining the traditional frontiers between different semiotic systems. Furthermore, this inter-semiotic, even intermedial nature of the novarinian oeuvre is an obvious technical characteristic of the latest book of Novarina, La Clef des langues. In this article, we aim to analyze the strategies and the symbolic takes of what Novarina understands as a poetic débordement, namely an effort to break all thematical and practical limitations in the process of artistic creation. Our study focuses on the metadiscourse and we will examine the novarinian quest for a new poetic formula, as well as his endeavor to redefine the expressive literary discourse in the context of actual intermedial practices.

Author Biography

  • FABIANA FLORESCU, l’Université de Bucarest

    Doctorante à l’Université de Bucarest, École doctorale « Études Littéraires et Culturelles »





How to Cite

Jeux autour d’un débordement poïétique dans La Clef des langues de Valère Novarina. (2024). Revista Cercurilor studenţeşti Ale Departamentului De Limba şi Literatura Franceză, 12.