Le génocide rwandais et les écritures testimoniales chez Esther Mujawayo et Souâd Belhaddad
genocide, testimony, testimonial writing, direct witness, survivor and memoryAbstract
The two testimonial writings that are the subject of this analysis must answer questions concerning the legitimacy of the testimonial act, the plurality of voices, the specific characteristics, the hybrid character and the issues of the writing. At the same time, victim, witness, war therapist in Düsseldorf and co-founder of AVEGA, Esther Mujawayo undoubtedly represents the voice of authority. However, in order to pass on the memory, Esther Mujawayo and Souâd Belhaddad give voice to other survivors and in addition a posthumous dialogue with the dead is initiated.
The testimonies of the two authors serve several purposes: to testify in order not to repeat genocidal history, in order to perpetuate the existence of dead people in the memory of living people, to restore the appropriate place to victims in personal history, family and collective history and to contribute to the healing process of survivors.