Whom Do You Believe? Examining the Effects of Different Review Sources on Third Person Effect, Electronic Word of Mouth, and Purchase Intention





review sources, Third-Person Effect, electronic word of mouth, purchase intention, online reviews


A large volume of information from various sources constantly assaults the consumer. It impairs advertisers in reaching their target audience, involving more work and effort to create an effective strategy. Previous studies have shown their importance on consumer behaviors towards the product, but how source typologies affect young people’s consumption behavior on small brands has not yet been explored. This study aims to determine the impact of the sources of the review on the levels of the TPE, eWOM, and purchase intention. Two studies were conducted: an experimental study with three groups exposed to the same stimulus, a smartwatch review for a small brand, and a semi-structured interview. The results of the first study show no differences between the three groups regarding the Effect of the source of the review on the level of the TPE and eWOM. Still, it was found that the subjective and objective sources influence respondents’ purchase intention. The second study reveals that individuals rely on reviews when purchasing and are more likely to share information with friends when they are satisfied with the product. This paper highlights the importance of understanding source typologies in shaping consumer behavior online.

Author Biographies

  • Oana Mihaela GRIVASĂ, Babeș-Bolyai University

    MA student
    Babeș-Bolyai University

  • Maria MUSTĂȚEA, Babeș-Bolyai University

    Babeș-Bolyai University



