OANA MARIA CĂLIN. 2022. De la șezătoare la comunitate o line. Revitalizarea tradițiilor românești prin social media. From Gatherings to Online Communities: Revitalizing Romanian Traditions through Social Media. București: Editura Etnologică. 150 p.
“From Gatherings to Online Communities: Revitalizing Romanian Traditions through Social Media” represents an important contribution to understanding how national traditions can be reintegrated into modern daily life through digital platforms. This work undertakes a multidisciplinary analysis of the revitalization of Romanian traditions, exploring aspects of authenticity, community, cultural heritage, emotions, and economic impact within virtual communities on social media. Additionally, the research proposes a
conceptual model that defines virtual communities of tradition within the framework of the “living tradition” concept—one of belonging to a group through shared values—and integrates them into contemporary theories of communication sciences.