MIHAI CHIRICĂ. 2024. Celebritățile digitale și publicitatea. Utilizarea platformelor Instagram și TikTok dintr-o perspectivă comparativă/ Advertising endorsed by digital celebrities. A comparative perspective of Instagram and TikTok usage. București: Trit
Mihai Chirică’s debut publication as a unique author is entitled “Advertising endorsed by digital celebrities. A comparative perspective of Instagram and TikTok usage.” The book is the outcome of his PhD thesis, which he successfully defended at Babes-Bolyai University. Due to the extensive literature on the topic, the comparative cross-platform approach, and the mix of qualitative and quantitative results derived from empirical research, this publication is an important addition to the national literature on influencer marketing and social media influencers.

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MIHAI CHIRICĂ. 2024. Celebritățile digitale și publicitatea. Utilizarea platformelor Instagram și TikTok dintr-o perspectivă comparativă/ Advertising endorsed by digital celebrities. A comparative perspective of Instagram and TikTok usage. București: Trit. (2025). Styles of Communication, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.31178/SC.16.2.06