
  • Giovanni Rotiroti Università degli Studi di Napoli „L’Orientale” Author



Romanian literature, psychoanalysis, theatre, comparative literature, political philosophy


Starting from the thought of Jean-Luc Nancy and Lacoue-Labarthe, this article
aims to investigate the “political panic” that arises at the crossroads of identification and narcissism. These redefine the place of the Other in the formation of society, from the intersection between the individual psyche and collective life, where life appears to be committed to defending itself, in an autoimmunizing movement, which (to the extent that it defends itself) tends to reverse itself into its opposite. The radicalization of the self-preservation drives coincides in Freud works with the “death drive”, whose
movement appears regressive, aimed at restoring the restlessness of life to its original
state of rest. Instead of opening itself to the Other, life closes itself and chooses death.
Nancy and Lacoue-Labarthe were able to grasp in the “political panic” the fragile relationship between the “withdrawal of the politician” and the beginning of politics,
and this particular aspect of life in common also concerns the play of Ionesco, Rhinocéros.
The Romanian writer denounces in France the fascist ideological contagion of a whole
generation of writers, between the two wars, highlighting the “death drive”, which
moves the coryphes of political totalitarianism in Romania towards the spasmodic
competition, fanaticism, cynicism, and, in some cases, towards crime. It is imaginatively
cloaked in religious idealism understood as an all-encompassing “spiritual” knowledge,
free of stretch marks.

Author Biography

  • Giovanni Rotiroti, Università degli Studi di Napoli „L’Orientale”

    Giovanni Rotiroti este profesor de limba și literatura română la Departamentul de Studii Literare, Lingvistice și Comparative al Universității „L’Orientale” din Napoli. Este autorul volumelor: Il mito della Tracia, Dioniso, la poesia. Tra Nietzsche, Platone e Mallarmé. Saggi di estetica e di poetica sul neoclassicismo di Dan Botta (2000); Dan Botta. Între poiesis şi aisthesis (2001); Il processo alla scrittura. Pratiche e teorie dell’ascolto intorno all’esperienza poetica della traduzione (2002); Il demone della lucidità. Il «caso Cioran» tra psicanalisi e filosofia (2005); La comunità senza destino. Ionesco, Eliade, Cioran all’ombra di Criterion (2008); Odontotyrannos. Ionesco e il fantasma del Rinoceronte (2009); Il piacere di leggere Urmuz. Indagini psicanalitiche sui fantasmi letterari delle ‘Pagine bizzarre’ (2010); Il segreto interdetto. Eliade, Cioran e Ionesco sulla scena comunitaria dell’esilio (2011); Il mistero dell’incontro (2012); Dezvrăjirea lui Cioran (2016); La passione del Reale. Emil Cioran, Gherasim Luca, Paul Celan e l’evento rivoluzionario dell’amore (2016); Chipul Meduzei (2017); Elogio della traduzione impossibile. Studi romeni di cultura letteraria, linguistica e comparata  (2017); „Când soarele ajunge la solstițiu”: Urmuz și scriitorii de avangardă din exil (2020).

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How to Cite

SOMNUL RAŢIUNII NAŞTE MONŞTRI:IONESCO ŞI „PANICA POLITICĂ”. (2024). Analele Universității București. Limba și Literatură română, 71(1).

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