Editorial Team

Editor: Alexandra Cornilescu, Department of English/Centre for the Study of Language Development and Linguistic Communication (CSLDLC), University of Bucharest, Romania 

Associate Editor: Larisa Avram, Department of English/Centre for the Study of Language Development and Linguistic Communication (CSLDLC), University of Bucharest, Romania  

Managing Editor: Andrei A. Avram, Department of English/Centre for the Study of Language Development and Linguistic Communication (CSLDLC), University of Bucharest, Romania

Editorial Assistants: Gabriela Brozbă, University of Bucharest, Maria Aurelia Cotfas, University of Bucharest

Editorial board:  Gabriela Alboiu - York University, Toronto, Ileana Baciu - University of Bucharest, Martine Coene -  VU University Amsterdam, Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin - University of Paris 7, Antonio Fábregas -  UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Susann Fischer - University of Hamburg,  Giuliana Giusti -  Ca’ Foscari University, Venice Kleanthes K. Grohmann - University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 
 Klaus von Heusinger - University of Cologne, Tabea Ihsane - University of Geneva, Daniela Ionescu -  University of Bucharest, Daniela Isac - Concordia University, Montreal, Alexandru Mardale -  INALCO & SeDyL, Ştefan Oltean -  Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,  Hortensia Pârlog -  University of the West, Timişoara, Kan Sasaki - Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto,  Elena Soare - University of Paris 8 & CNRS, Liliane Tasmowski - The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru - University of Bucharest, Ianthi Maria Tsimpli - University of Cambridge

Publisher: Editura Universității din București - Bucharest University Press