
  • Familiar Perpetrators: On the Intimacy of Evil in Contemporary American Literature and Popular Culture
    Vol. 26 No. 1 (2023)

    Special issue on Familiar Perpetrators: On the Intimacy of Evil in Contemporary American Literature and Popular Culture. This issue was co-edited by Dragoș Manea, Dana Mihăilescu, Roxana Oltean and Mihaela Precup, whose work was supported by PCE grant 101/2021, “Familiar Perpetrators: On the Intimacy of Evil in Contemporary American Literature and Popular Culture,” offered by UEFISCDI.

    Vol. 27 No. 1 (2024)

    This special issue on “Mobility and American (Non)Fiction” was co-edited by José Duarte (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon) and Mihaela Precup (American Studies Program, University of Bucharest).