ZAHRA ALI. 2020. Féminismes islamiques (deuxième édition). Paris: La Fabrique éditions. 234 pp. ISBN: 978-2-35872-190-5


  • LAURA SITARU University of Bucharest Autor



Zahra Ali brings together the most relevant scholars, researchers and activists in what is called Islamic feminism in a second edition of this volume that captures the latest developments in the field. The work starts with two fundamental desiderata: the need to decolonize the reading and understanding of feminism in the Islamic space and to place it in the continuation of efforts to reform Islamic societies by reinterpreting its fundamental sources. In the introduction to the book Zahra Ali draws attention to the danger of generalization in approaching the Islamic world and the social status of Muslim women who live in a variety of environments each of them contextualized politically, economically and culturally. The editor warns that the articles making up the volume are in clear
rupture with the orientalist and racist vision that characterizes the controversies about women in the Islamic world. Islamic feminism as conceptually described by the authors of this volume develops within the Islamic religious system by strongly challenging the patriarchal dimension of the reading of the Koranic text, overturning several general lines present in the common perception, Western and Islamic alike. 





Cum cităm

ZAHRA ALI. 2020. Féminismes islamiques (deuxième édition). Paris: La Fabrique éditions. 234 pp. ISBN: 978-2-35872-190-5. (2025). Romano-arabica, 23(1).