Strategii ale politeții în discursul televizual românesc actual. Invitat – Gigi Căciuleanu
strategies, negative and positive politeness, television “genres”, TV discourseAbstract
The motivation for choosing the theme is based on the insufficient number of studies that analyze, exclusively, the strategies of negative and positive politeness, based on a corpus that includes cultural TV shows, such as talk-shows and television debates. The purpose of our study is to identify, inventory and analyze the main strategies of negative and positive politeness, because the cultural shows at which we stop provide the necessary material in terms of the analysis of the way and frequency in/ with which these strategies are used in the two television “genres”, talk-show and TV debate. Regarding the corpus, our study will analyze, from the perspective of the strategies of politeness that occur in discourse, four television shows that are part of the TV discourse and which have as a common element the guest of the show, Gigi Căciuleanu, a Romanian choreographer and dancer from the Diaspora: 1. the talk-show within the TV show Garantat 100% (moderator Cătălin Ștefănescu); 2. the TV debates Nocturne (moderator Marina Constantinescu) - TV shows included in Luminița Hoarță Cărăușu (coordinator), Corpus de limbă română vorbită actuală nedialectală, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House, Iași, 2013 (CLRVAN 2013: 244-251; 239-244); 3. the TV debate Branduʼ luʼ Chinezu (moderator Cristian China Birta); 4. the TV debate Cap de afiș (moderator and producer Andreea Știliuc). The last two TV debates are transcribed according to the transcription conventions mentioned in Corpus de limbă română vorbită actuală nedialectală (see supra) (CLRVAN 2013: 11).