Limba română la NTNU în anul universitar 2010-2016
grammar errors, Norwegian students, Romanian language, written examAbstract
Romanian Language at NTNU, 2010-2011
The Romanian language lectureship in Trondheim was established on June, 5th, 2008. As a novelty the optional course in Romanian language made its debut in January 2009, for the spring semester of NTNU. The course is intended for students from all specializations. It is divided into Romanian 1 and Romanian 2, each of them holding 7. 5 credits. The course is concluded with an oral examination and a short dictation as means of assessment during the semester and the final four hours of the written exam. The present paper aims to explore the assimilation of
Romanian language by the foreign students in the written exams from December 2010 and May 2011, followed by a grammar analysis of the errors identified in the written tasks of the foreign students (the present indicative, the subjunctive, the definite article, the gender of the adjectives, the number of the nouns and of the adjectives, the preposition, the construction of the genitive/dative). At the end we share a brief unconventional history of the lectureship.