Statutul şi identitatea hermeneuticii literare
literary hermeneutics, traditional hermeneutics, literary studies, literary exegesis, phylologyAbstract
If within traditional hermeneutics, literary hermeneutics is viewed as the „poor relative" (Peter Szondi), in the context of literary studies its situation is even more dramatic, the name of the discipline garnering, over time, a series of misunderstandings, resulting from the recurrent act (partly erroneous) of equating it with philology, history, and literary criticism, or with stylistics and poetics, and, in best case scenario (though still incorrect), with literary exegesis. An attempt of clarifying the status and identity of literary hermeneutics, both in the field of literary studies, as well as in the domain of hermeneutics, entails, in our opinion, efforts of historical reconstruction and epistemological reappraisal of the discipline.