Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Studia Doctoralia. Psychology and Educational Science

Studia Doctoralia Psychology and Education is the official journal of The Doctoral School of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania, published by the Doctoral Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development (CCIIDD). Audience and potential contributors include scholars, educators, consultants, practitioners, doctoral students, teachers and other professionals from all over the world and in all the applied fields of psychology and education science.
Education in the context of artificial intelligence Editorial
AI or artificial intelligence refers to the field of computer science that focuses on the development of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that usually require human intelligence (Tahiru, 2021). While it is widely acknowledged that AI technologies cannot address all challenges, there is a perspective suggesting that they can contribute to resolving some of the most critical issues confronting humanity today.
The Relationship between Nature Relatedness, Instagram Use, and Self-esteem
The primary aim of this study is to enhance our understanding of the factors driving nature relatedness in the context of Instagram usage by investigating the potential associations between users' identification with nature, environmental subjectivity, physical connection, self-esteem, and the intensity of their Instagram usage. In the realm of Instagram use, a premise has been posited that
discernible behavioral distinctions exist between active and passive users of the platform. This premise assumes significance in examining the relationship between nature relatedness, self-esteem, and Instagram use. To address this research objective, a quantitative online survey was administered, encompassing measures of nature relatedness and participant-reported information pertaining to their Instagram usage. The findings of this research reveal a correlation between nature relatedness and the intensity of Instagram use. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that Instagram may serve as a valuable platform for fostering nature relatedness among its users. This finding underscores the potential significance of Instagram as a tool for promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. -
The role of abandonment schema in the relationship between attachment styles and couple satisfaction
The present study aims to investigate the role of abandonment schema in the relationship between attachment styles and couple satisfaction. The design of the research is descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational. A total of 120 people participated, aged between 19 and 55 years, M = 25.67, AS = 8.95, 23 men and 97 women. Only people involved in a romantic relationship of at least six
months participated. Data measurement was carried out using the questionnaire, made out of the Abandonment subscale of The Cognitive Style Questionnaire YSQ-S3, the Couple Satisfaction Index and the Attachment Style Questionnaire Short Form. The statistical results revealed the first hypothesis to be partially true, showing that secure attachment is positively associated with couple satisfaction.
Regarding the second hypothesis, it was found to be partially true as well, as abandonment schema only mediates the relationships between anxious attachment and couple satisfaction and between dependent attachment and couple satisfaction. The results of the study are consistent with other research in the scientific literature and contribute to the completion of knowledge on the subject under investigation. Thus, it is proposed more future research on the subject in question. -
Shame and Guilt in the Aftermath of Trauma: A Multiple Mediation Model
Trauma-related shame and guilt are important mechanisms underlying post-traumatic functioning and might have a deleterious impact on the development of PTSD symptoms. Even if conceptual differences have been addressed on a theoretical level, empirical evidence is still needed to clarify their combined or individual contribution to PTSD symptoms. This study aimed to examine the mediating effects of trauma-related shame and guilt cognitions on the relationship between cumulative exposure to trauma and
PTSD symptoms. The sample was comprised of 705 individuals who have been exposed to at least one lifetime traumatic event. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was performed and both direct and indirect effects were investigated. Both measurement and structural models fit the data adequately (RMSEA < .05, CFI > .90, SRMR < .04), and a significant indirect effect of traumarelated
shame was found (β = .25, p < .05, 95% CI ) but not of guilt cognitions. Understanding the mechanisms underlying psychopathology could assist theoretical and clinical settings, enhancing both prevention and intervention practices. -
Social Competence and Self-Esteem in Preschool Children with CAS (Childhood Apraxia of Speech)
The aim of the present study is to analyze the relationships between language difficulties, self-esteem and social competence in children with (Childhood Apraxia of Speech) CAS. Receptive language, expressive language and pragmatic language, self-esteem and four dimensions of social competence were analyzed, respectively emotional problems, conduct problems, peer problems and prosocial behavior. The participants were 64 children aged between 5 and 6, M = 5.44, SD = .50, of which 45 boys (70%) and 19 girls (30%) and their mothers, aged between 26 and 45 years, M = 35.34, SD = 5.01. To measure language difficulties, three tests based on cards and specific tasks were used, social competence was measured with Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-Rom) (Goodman, 1997), Romanian version, and self-esteem was measured with four items from Self-Perception Profile for Children (Harter, 2012). The results showed that receptive language is negatively associated with self-esteem and emotional problems, expressive language is negatively associated with emotional problems, conduct problems and peer problems, pragmatic language is negatively
associated with emotional problems and peer problems. Practical implications and ways to support children with CAS in improving social competence and self-esteem were discussed. -
Universal Design for Learning, Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, and School Performance in Inclusive Classrooms
The aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which teachers apply the principles of UDL in classroom context and the current conditions existing in schools for the implementation of these principles. The relationships between implementation of UDL principles, teachers' selfefficacy and students' school performance were also analyzed. A number of 151 teachers from Brașov county, aged between 21 and 63, M = 44.75, AS = 9.06 participated in the present study, of which 138 women (91%) and 13 men (9%). The implementation of UDL principles was measured through a list of specific UDL activities, organized into four categories (use of technology, diversified teaching, cooperative teaching, individualized assessment). Current conditions in schools were measured by means of a list of situations, organized into three categories (material resources, teachers' concern, modern applications). Selfefficacy
was measured with General Self-Efficacy Scale, GSE (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995). Students’ performance was measured by a computational algorithm. The results showed that teachers report high levels of application of UDL principles and that the main condition in schools that facilitate UDL is teachers' concern. Among the UDL principles, only the use of technology was positively
associated with student performance, and among the current conditions in schools, only teachers' concern was positively associated with school performance. Teacher self-efficacy was positively associated with school performance and UDL principles. Practical implications are discussed and future research directions are established.