Annual journal of articles in the interdisciplinary fields: science of sport and phisical education and health
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Physical education
Background. Physical education is an important component of education in general, along with the intellectual, aesthetic, technical
and the moral parts of it. Moreover, it is a process of educating the physique with impact on not one but many aspects of personality formation of each individual.
Cucoş considers physical education as one of the "oldest forms of exertion of formative action", having in its composition a number of activities with a role in the development of the human being "by maintaining the harmony between the physical and the mental".
The general conference of UNESCO in Nairobi states that: “education, far from being limited to the period of schooling, must extend to all components and fields of knowledge, be acquired through various means and favour all forms of personality development. The educational processes in which they are employed, throughout their lives, in any form, children, young people and adults of all ages, must be considered as a whole."
Objectives. Physical education and sport are an inseparable part of the general education system, representing a necessity in ensuring the balance between intellectual and physical activity. In the conditions of an increasingly intense professional activity, the importance of physical education as a means of improving the regime of life, maintaining and increasing the working capacity of students during the study period, as well as the active resting regime, increases undoubtfully.
In non-profile higher education, the training of students should not become a purpose itself. The system of knowledge, skills and motor skills must have a practical, applicative value and find its use in the future profession. The content of the lessons must be reoriented according to the specific of the profession, thus ensuring the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired in the lesson in practice.
The purpose of physical education in higher education is to consolidate and maintain health, improve work capacity, improve motor skills and skills, develop intellectual, aesthetic, behavioral and moral traits, stimulate creativity, increase interest for independent practice of motor activities during spare time etc.
During student hood, the activities of physical education and sport have as main objective the continuous training and the selftraining action of the future specialist.
The system of physical education and sport is regulated in Romania by the Law of physical education and sport. The institution that organizes the activity of sport- physical education in pre-university and university education is the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
The university has 18 faculties, whose students participate in the physical education and sports lessons during four semesters, with a total volume of 112 hours of applications, whose norms are done in groups, the distribution being one lesson of two hours per week. Due to the autonomy of the university, it can be said that there is no unitary line and a common program at the faculty level, especially at the non-profile ones, as there is no well-defined status.
Conclusion. There is an increased interest expressed especially by students and less by the management factors, for the improvement and promotion of this discipline, as an efficient and accessible means of training and educating young people.
It is necessary to carry out complex national programs for young people, which aim to stimulate interest and to create the habit of systematically and continuously practice of physical exercises in order to integrate more quickly into social life. -
Background. In the primary school cycle, physical education and sports plays an important role in the development of the child’s personality. From the point of view of its special objectives, psychomotricity offers the child both the details and the frame favorable to the development and the improvement of a system of acquirements, by means of which he can act in an efficient way and adapt in optimal conditions to the request imposed by the environment in which he develops his activity. This elicits from the point of view of those involved in a direct and indirect way in the instructional-educational process the comprehension of the internal mechanisms which lie at the basis of the psychomotor phenomenon and the identification of the main evaluation modalities of its different components, in a certain moment, in order to emphasize the possible deviations from a child’s normal ontogenetic development.
A correct and specific approach of all the psychomotor components that takes into account both the age and the objectives of the instruction already established, will be reflected at the level of the child’s behavior by getting some essential acquisitions, which will form the premises of his development to a superior stage and the acquirement of new behaviors.
Purpose. Using a part of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test – Second Edition, the main goal of this study was to analyze a possible difference between motor proficiency age and chronological age of the subjects, in the Upper-Limb Coordination subtest.
Methods. Regarding the methods, 40 subjects, male and female primary school students, coming from urban and rural areas, were selected to participate in this research experiment.
Results. The average motor proficiency age for the Upper-Limb Coordination subtest is 10 years and 5 months. The average chronological age of 9 years and 3 months is lower than the average motor proficiency age by 1 year and 2 months. The standard deviation and the coefficient of variation indicate a nonhomogeneous structure of the lot in relation to the motor proficiency age. The effect size index of Cohen indicates that the differences between the two ages are medium towards high. The verification of the statistical hypothesis through the dependent t-Test indicates a statistically significant difference of means (P=0.002 is smaller than 0.05).
Conclusion. Besides the outline of an objective image regarding the psychomotor development of the students in the primary school cycle, at the level of the evaluated aspects, the analysis of the results of this experiment constitutes an essential feed-back in the design and monitoring of the training programs specific to the educational process. -
In the paradigm of the modern pedagogy, a "physically educated" person is a person: with a good physical condition, aware of the importance of practicing physical exercise in order to maintain and strengthen health, keen to move and who enjoys the physical effort, which promotes an active, dynamic, healthy and balanced life style as a social value, which develops social relations.1
Starting from this premise, we propose in this paper to identify the extent to which the objectives of physical education in higher education, related to physical, somatic and functional parameters, are achieved through the participation of female students in aerobics, fitness, volleyball and table tennis courses.
The hypothesis of our experimental approach: The means specific to each sports discipline listed above, used in the physical education lessons with the female students in the higher education, will influence differently the level of the physical training and the somatic and functional parameters of them, some of the sports being more efficient in this regard.
The research methods used: the analysis of the specialized literature, the pedagogical observation, the method of the tests, the pedagogical experiment, the statistical method of data processing and the graphical method of presenting the results.
Subjects: In our study, were involved 80 students from first year enrolled in aerobics, fitness, volleyball and table tennis courses, 20 for each sports discipline mentioned.
Results: We recorded the results aimed at the somatic, motor and functional evaluation both at the beginning of the academic year 2018-2019 and at the end of it, after completing the specific programs of the four sport disciplines.
Conclusions: The sports disciplines included in our experimental study had different effects at the level of the investigated parameters, the specific means of aerobics having by far the most significant contributions to the somatic and functional progress that the girls, in general, and the students of our sample in particular, wish from a motor activity. -
The study focuses on clarifying the terms and purposes of assessment for learning in Physical Education and Sport lessons and
how we can use them to support the progress of our students, provides examples of different types of assessment for learning in
physical education and explains why teachers should include them as part of their instruction.
This article describes the most used forms of assessment in physical education and emphasizes the importance of using them in
both physical activity and physical fitness for promoting physical activity. Effective evaluation practices are needed to optimize the
effectiveness of physical education programming. Assessment for learning is an essential part of education as it defines whet her or
not the objectives of teaching are being met, assessment affects decisions about grades and educational needs of students.
Assessment for learning involves using it, as part of teaching and learning, in ways that will raise the student`s achievement.
Assessments are the tool that physical educators use to measure the skills and fitness levels their students learn and achieve in the
Physical Education class. They help to show yourself and others that your students are learning and becoming more physically fit
as a result of being in your class. Assessment is very important in Physical Education as it provides information on strengths,
weaknesses and educational requirements, it gives students the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and are capable to d o, determines student progress and motivates them to improve their performance, informs future planning and teaching and judges which aspects of teaching have been effective or inefficient.
Student assessment is “the gathering of evidence about student achievement and making interferences about student progress
based on the evidence”. Physical Education teachers collect and track assessment data to make decisions about instruction and to
measure student learning continually throughout the learning sequence (SHAPE America, 2014).
The tennis coach must be a good psychologist, especially at the level of the children, from whom he expects performances
according to their ability. To be a good psychologist, not a professional but a conjuncture one. The tennis coach must have, besides
the specialized and basic knowledge of psychology, which helps him to know, understand, make decisions regarding the -behavioral
manifestations of the children, both during the training and in the official games.
Specialists and technicians in the field are constantly striving to define a methodical, scientifically and practical concept to attract as
many children as possible to practice tennis with great pleasure. Play is an indispensable element in the development of the child, at
all ages, and the playful spirit must be present in all forms of child preparation.
At children, physical training is an essential condition of harmonious physical and mental development. Even from early childhood,
the child is unable to limit his effort, he is playing all the time, anywhere, with anything, at any time.
A healthy child, can practice the sport without restrictions. Up to the age of 12, the number of workouts at children can be 3-4 per
week, and above this age, can be practiced daily or sometimes there may be two workouts per day.
In all stages of training, the trainer must be in permanent contact with the doctor, psychologist, physical trainer but also with the
sportsman's parents.
The development of the interest for playing tennis by children, must be generated by more cumulative aspects that must be agreed
by children: the space environment for the lessons, materials needed for the tennis lessons to which we add respect, patience,
communication, understanding of the coach.
Physical exercise represents a predominantly bodily action which, carried out with joy, in children, influences considerably the
processes of harmonious physical development, the functional and mental capacities that rationally converge to the general
development of children, while also ensuring the basis of motor skills. -
Background. Handball is accessible to everyone. It can be practiced by children and young people, men and women and even older people. Most technical procedures are executed by hand, and the ball being small can easily control. In the process of continuous lifting of athletes' capacities, physical and technical training are factors whose weight is special for the successful solving of the objectives and tasks of a certain stage of training. Their judicious ratio and connection depends to a large extent on the level of training an athlete can achieve.
Studying the methodology for developing specific motor skills through investigations and documentation on the literature, as well as on the training programs used by junior handball players in the training process, in the preparatory stage;
The collection of data from the coach's practice on the basis of which, by processing, the characteristics of the methods for developing specific motor qualities will be established;
Comparing all these data and studying the existing concordances or discrepancies in the training plans of junior handball players. Based on this, the conclusions of the paper will be drawn up to improve the methodology for the development of motor skills in the preparatory phase.
Study hypothesis. If a systematization of the means and methods of developing the motor skills specific to athletics is achieved in the preparatory stage, of the training programmes, then we will be able to contribute to a better athletic training of junior handball players IV.
Methods. The research methods used in this study were: The bibliographical study method; The Observation method; The Testing method; The Statistical and mathematical method; The Graphic method.
Conclusion. At the final time of the study, the experimental group achieved better results than the control group in all tests carried out. In this study it was observed that by systematizing the means and methods of development of the motor qualities specific to athletics in the preparatory stage, the training programs, improved the preparation of junior handball players. -
Background. Basketball is one of the most popular team sports in the world. It stands out through the finesse, accuracy, fantasy of the technical and tactical exercises, athletes’ height and physical qualities, all of these merged into a competition, which requires team spirit, sacrifice, intelligence and nervous resistance. It is a team sport which demands a large array of technical skills, tactical actions from the simplest to the most complex. This research aims to highlight the importance of free-throws in the economy of basketball games played in the men’s first division through the coefficient of the made free-throws by selecting all the games ended at a difference no greater than 2 points.
Objectives. The objectives of this research are: influencing the development of morpho-functional body types, the development of movement quality, the development of a wide tactical knowledge, the introduction of new technical methods, increasing the overall performance. One of the main goals of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of games ended at a difference of no more than two points.
Methods. The methods used in the following research consist of video recording, match statistics and data analysis of official games played in the 2018-2019 Men’s National Basketball League season.
Results. The results of this research show that the average made shot percentage of Men’s National Basketball League is 67,9 %. Returning to the problem of developing a tactical cognitive process regarding the importance of the free-throw, we need to mention that the foundation of this process is knowing the basics of the game, on which we can build and perfect the skills acquired along the years.
Conclusion. The free-throw in the basketball game it’s taken in various muscular effort conditions. Thus, the players can benefit of a free-throw after greater or lesser effort. The content of the training, its effectiveness and variability are important to achieve for this purpose. The free-throw is a test of finesse, high coordination, accuracy, in which the information received from the brain an essential role. The basketball game requires an equal development of the entire complex of motor qualities through its wide motor content and the variety of movement it requires. This is why the players need a continuous and perseverant preparation. -
Background. The nature of competition in sports games is inherently chaotic. Often, sports such as football, rugby and field hockey have a fast-paced style of play, consisting of quick turns and frequent changes of direction. Due to this intermittent style of competition effort, players in these sports rarely reach maximum sprint speed during the game. As a result, the ability to accelerate is a coveted skill in this segment of the sport Objectives. The sports performance at this moment cannot be completed without an analysis of the entire preparation process, in accordance with the rigorous demands in the field. The updating of the training program is an important objective in sports training, the pedagogical tools have the role to improve the athletes' performance and their mental state, as well as the role of increasing the level of attraction of the training.
Hypothesis: it is assumed that implementing an intervention plan focused on increasing speed and co-ordination will result in the improvement of these qualities, and consequently the achievement of better competitive performance.
The purpose of this study is to verify the impact of a special training plan and the verification of the working tools, in order to present the quantifiable results regarding the initial level of motility and mental state of the athletes. Later, it is desired to develop an exercise program that aims to develop speed and coordination capabilities, but also to improve the mental state.
Methods. The method of longitudinal experiment was applied, 2 junior football teams between 14-16 years old participated in the study. Of these 2 teams, one benefited from the special intervention program, this one representing the experiment team, and the other team representing the control team. The experiment lasted 12 months, the athletes were tested at the beginning and at the end of the intervention program. The tests used were an agility test called the Arrowhead Agility Drill test, and a SPM (Motivational Persistence Scale) psychological questionnaire.
Results. The statistical analysis of the results obtained at the end of the experiment showed us that there were improvements in the aspects concerned, namely improvements were made in increasing the speed and coordination as well as the well-being of the athletes within the experimental team.
Conclusion. Our study showed that the level of speed, of the coordinating capacity, and of the stress, are variables that can be continuously improved by introducing alternative exercises and by the continuous renewal of the general plan of sports training. Common tactics used for speed development include general strength training, sprint resistance training, polymers and sprint techniques (Cronin and Hansen, 2006; Delecluse, 1997; Martinez-Valencia et al., 2015). Instead, how each of these exercises can be implemented varies from one athlete to another. An even clearer problem is the lack of integration with other training components, such as endurance training and sports practice. Developing an integrated approach is essential for organizing the training process, as each aspect of the training represents an important physiological stimulus applied to the athlete.
Background: Scoliosis has become one of the most common disorders in school-age children, becoming a serious concern for
doctors, kinesiotherapy teachers and parents.
The objective of the research is to make a personal contribution to the parents’ help who are concerned with their children’s
health and the application of physiotherapy outside the physiotherapy hours in the special school.
The parents’ involvement in the recovery of children with scoliosis is important for both the child and the therapist. For th is
purpose I have developed a small guide‚ Practical guide of prevention - addressed to parents for working with children at home (Smart Publishing, 2019) subsequently published, with practical recommendations for parents of children diagnosed with scoliosis to prevent the aggravation of this condition.
In the study I seek to highlight that the involvement of parents in the treatment of kinetotherapy which brings a significant
value in the recovery of children with intellectual disabilities.
Material and method. The study includes a group of 20 children from the Special School no.3 in Bucharest, and their parents.
There were two groups of students: students with mild/moderate mental deficiency and students with severe / profound / associated mental deficiency.
Another criteria for the formation of the working groups was the pupils’ level of schooling: primary and secondary. The
methods used are: method of bibliographic study, method of conversation, questionnaire method and recording of data and graphical presentation.
Results. There are significant differences between the two categories of primary and secondary school children in applying
kinetoprofilaxia to the child's dwelling place. The results showed that 85% of parents who were receptive and applied kinetoprophylaxis to the child at home were female.
Conclusion. Following the comparisons made between the groups of students constituted, it was found that there are significant
differences regarding the application of secondary kinetoprophylaxis at home and the level of schooling, as well as the degree of
disability. -
The aim of this research was to compare the Body Mass Index of pupils with mental disabilities enrolled in special educational institutions with the Body Mass Index of students in public educational institutions, in the purpose of adapting/perfecting the learning process in the subject of Physical Education and Sport, in special educational institutions.
During this project we decided to verify if there were significant height, weight or BMI differences between the two types of students (students enrolled in special educational institutions and students in the public schools of Bucharest).
The poll of the research had been composed of 60 students separated in 4 groups of 15 students each: 2 groups of girls in 8th grade (special education and the correspondent group enrolled in public schools) and 2 groups of boys in 8th grade. Therefore, comparisons have been realized between these two types of students, corresponding with their age and sex.
From the point of view regarding the statistical methods used, the mathematical SPSS program had been used, applying the Man-Whitney test as a nonparametric test. The results of the comparisons stated that there were differences in height and weight between the students enrolled in special and public educational institutions. However, when judging by the Body Mass Index of the students there were no significant differences.
Background. Elder adults often require adaptive activities to maintain or regain their physical fitness. Dancing is one of the most
complex activity for people. Dance is an activity which develops social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills that can improve the life quality of elder. The old age is a problematic, so the therapists have to work more with this segment. Every activity or therapy is welcome to prevent the needs of elder people. Dancing is one of this theraphies and I will show the benefits of this activity.
Method. The purpose of this case study is to describe the process of developing, pilot testing and implementing a dance-based
exercise class at the Seniors Club of Bucharest City Hall. This participant observation-based case study makes use of holistic observations during the process of developing and offering the class in cooperation with the Director of the Seniors Organization. Participants will complete a “Course and Instructor Evaluation”, reporting their experience with the class, including any perceived benefits, concerns and willingness to pay and participate in future dance offerings. The weekly class format includes 10-minute warm-up/introduction, 40 minutes of cardiovascular oriented dance instruction with pre-recorded accompanying music, and a 10-minute cool down/review.
Results: In consultation with the program, a dance-based exercise class for seniors was approved, designed, advertised, and
implemented. Participants displayed signs of enjoyment during the class meetings and the small class size allowed all to engage in a dynamic, powerful, and rewarding experience of dance regardless of level of ability. Through repetition and reinforcement of movements participants learned dance steps often working beyond their conceived limitations. Dance has shown promise in improved fitness, social connections and overall physical and cognitive benefits.
Conclusion: Our study is meant to show that a professional trainer, a good program, implicated people takes to good results. For
elders is very important to take good activities. The study will show that the dance therapy is an instrument that is proper to improve the elders life, make they feel good and in the end the quality of life of elder people. -
The significance of the recreation phenomenon has increased greatly in today's fast and competitive world, in the conglomerate of society and situations as a whole, people devote many hours to academic learning, being they theoretical or practical ones, and the activity of improving knowledge. To this is added the current way of daily life in which people work between 10 and 12 hours daily, even on weekends, office work, sedentary life as well as diminishing direct human-to-human communication and isolation in the online environment - internet, the result being the diminished time and the desire to practice the sport for recreation.
Recreation occupies an important place in the structure of physical culture, as recreational elements are used in sports, physical education and physical rehabilitation.
In the current situation, the prevention of diseases and the consolidation of the population's health goes from medical to social. There is a constant tendency to increase the social role of the recreational phenomenon through sport in order to strengthen and maintain health as well as a more physically active life of people. This is an integral part of the development strategy of the modern society, which aims to humanize and democratize its potential. -
From the perspective of the psychosocial intervention models, programs focused mainly on aspects such as increasing self-esteem, promoting positive feelings towards oneself and others, stress management and effective communication strategies. Animal Assisted Therapy (TAA) promotes positive human-animal interaction by incorporating the psychological, behavioral and physical traits of an animal into a therapeutic environment, in order to facilitate the recovery process of a patient in need of physical and / or mental care (Chandler, 2005). Since 1990, the results of animal-assisted therapy in treating attention deficiencies or anxiety states have been made known in the specialized literature, in solving the problems related to social relations and integration, but also in improving the quality of life. The categories of people and the environments in which the TAA programs were applied are extremely varied, including penitentiary systems.
The animal-assisted therapy program can provide the ethical and moral framework that emphasizes the positive examples that can produce a change of perception and attitude regarding drug use, strengthening the inmates motivation in their own recovery process. The therapy is based on the fact that the animals love unconditionally and accept the others as they are, without judging them. In animal-assisted therapy, the dog is frequently used because of its docile nature, the ease with which it can be trained and because, in general, people show sympathy for this animal. The results of the activities carried out in this field have shown that following the TAA, the inmates have registered an improvement of the positive behaviors, as well as a reduction of the disciplinary sanctions. Also, there were no more aggressive manifestations from the animals, they benefiting from decent accommodation and care conditions. Following the analysis of the needs for the year 2019, at the level of the Bucharest-Jilava Penitentiary, it was found that 13.41% of the custodial convicts used drugs. This aspect, as well as the research in the field, justify the addressability of the general intervention program "Assisted Animal Therapy" (TAA) to inmates with a history of narcotic use.