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Annual journal of articles in the interdisciplinary fields: science of sport and physical education and health
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Annual journal of articles in the interdisciplinary fields: science of sport and physical education and health
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Physical education
Background. Sports dance is characterized by a complex coordination, its most important components being, in our opinion: the segmental, general and multisegmental coordination; the capacity of kinesthetic differentiation; the static and dynamic coordination, the ability of spatio-temporal orientation; the ability to perceive and reproduce musical rhythm and tempo. Sports dance lessons are held in the University of Bucharest with students who opt for this discipline without having a prior selection. In sports dance, all the motor capacities are involved in different weights, but we proposed for this study to analyze from the perspective of the coordinative capacities, the spatio-temporal orientation. Objectives. The subjects in this study are students in the 1st and 2nd years, belonging to different faculties of the university and they were divided into the control and the experimental groups. Both groups worked to test a salsa choreography during the lessons. In the experimental group, the choreography was practiced facing points 1,3,5,7, and in the control group, the choreography was practiced facing point 1. The test was realized with reference to point 5. Methods. The working methods used are observation, testing method, statistical-mathematical and graphical interpretation method. Results. The results were significantly better in the experimental group compared to the control group. The subjects in the experimental group were able to orient themselves better in space and time in a percentage of 85% and in the control group the percentage was about 30% Conclusion. We believe that the orientation in space and time can be improved by simple means, prepared by the teacher in the sports discipline, the methodological work being implemented according to the groups.
Physical activity is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle, significantly contributing to the prevention and management of chronic diseases, mental health support, and overall well-being. Despite its benefits, recent lifestyle changes in post-communist Romania have led to an alarming increase in overweight and obesity rates, especially among urban youth. This research focuses on the University of Bucharest (UniBuc) to explore the reasons behind students' low participation in university-organized physical activities. By employing a structured questionnaire distributed electronically, this study aims to collect comprehensive data on student demographics, participation levels, motivations, barriers, and suggestions for improvement. The quantitative analysis component of the study aims to identify participation trends and barriers, while qualitative insights will provide nuanced perspectives on students' experiences. The findings will inform targeted strategies to promote physical activity among students, contributing to their immediate and long-term health. Overall, this exploratory study seeks to lay the groundwork for future research on enhancing physical activity participation in academic settings, ultimately supporting the holistic development of young adults.
The increasing use of smartwatch technology among university students has raised questions about its potential impact on physical health and effort capacity. This study aims to evaluate the influence of smartwatch usage on the physical performance and effort capacity of students, focusing on those who utilize these devices for monitoring physical activity and health functions. In this comparative study, we employed a questionnaire to assess the adoption and usage patterns of smartwatches among students. The research sample was divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. Both groups participated in weekly aerobic gymnastics classes. However, the experimental group, equipped with smartwatches, was tasked with achieving a daily goal of 13,000-15,000 steps or expending 600 kcal. At the conclusion of the experiment, we evaluated the exercise capacity of all students using the Ruffier and Harvard tests. The results revealed significant differences between the two groups, with the experimental group demonstrating notably higher effort capacity. This suggests that the regular use of smartwatches, combined with specific fitness targets, can enhance physical performance and overall health among students. Our findings underscore the potential benefits of integrating wearable technology into student lifestyles, particularly in promoting physical activity and improving exercise capacity. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the impact of smartwatches on health and fitness, highlighting their role as valuable tools for monitoring and enhancing physical performance in an academic setting. In conclusion, smartwatches can be useful tools for students, but they must be used with discernment. It is important to strike a balance between the benefits and distractions these devices bring. Students' effort capacity may be influenced by how they integrate smartwatches into their daily routine.
Background. During the Karate lessons with the advances students of the University of Bucharest, one specific method of training it is represented by the exercise of Happo Kumite. It is practiced with great pleasure by the high ranking colour belts students because the defender must block and counter-attack continously against eight adversaries surrounding him. (The word „Happo” refers to the eight main directions of possibilities for an attack).
Objectives. This Kumite is based on a principle of self-defence. One should be able to defend himself against any directions of an attack. It is possible to face such an encounter in life. If unaccustomed to this kind of exercise, a student who can successfully defending himself against one opponent would be helpless against many adversaries and the techniques used would not be effective if he fails to realise this important requirement of self-defence. In order to face, a period ( 30 seconds to 2 minutes) surrounded by adversaries, this Kumite, more than others, requires the following qualities: promptness, endurance, proper breathing, smoothness (Tenshin, Tai Sabaki) and physical and mental control such as: timing, balance, relaxed attitude, concentration, acuteness, etc. Special attention must be given to this method for developing these qualities.
Methods. In the initial stage, for the correct acquisition of motor skills specific to the respective theme, a wide range of methods is applied, in accordance with pedagogical principles: The method of explanation. It is used in all stages of preparation. One of the basic requirements of the explanation is that it should be short and understandable to those who have to learn it. The method of demonstration. It can be used in the discipline of karate through several procedures: the procedure of direct real demonstration and mediated demonstration procedure. Exercise method. The exercise method in Happo Kumite includes several procedures: the procedure of the constructively decomposed exercise, global exercise procedure and the procedure of full exercise under the conditions of additional efforts.
Results. In performance of the Happo Kumite during physical education lessons at the University of Bucharest, the students will improve the coordination of mind and body, timing, balance, agility, endurance and fluidity of movement between techniques. To avoid the hazard of being winded, the students will also learn how to give special attention to the rhythm of breathing as this will greatly influence physical endurance and self-confidence.
Conclusion. Because Happo Kumite involve the use of the whole body, these movements are an ideal form of physical exercise. They can be learned first individually and after that, practiced in groups of physical education classes by students – young, old, male or female. With this kind of exercise, the physical educational lessons will be more attractive and the progress of the students of University of Bucharest will be notable. Efficiency is acquired by practise. This important point should not be forgotten. -
Background. Motivational dynamics is always manifested at the level of global behavior, which means that understanding the motivational orientation of behavior requires a systemic view of it.
Objectives. Sports dance - whose specific means we used in the experimental study, are effective ways to develop the self-image, the motivational system and the motivation to achieve the self-image. 70 subjects participated in the research, students from different faculties within the University of Bucharest, based on registration in the sports dance class. Among them, 50 female students and 20 male students, aged between 19 and 25, first-year students at the University of Bucharest. All of them opted for the sports dance class at the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year. Sports dance lessons were held throughout the academic year according to the curriculum.
Methods. The observation method: were monitored the indicators related to the efficiency of the execution, the improvement of the posture, of the body attitude, the efficiency of the communication, the relationship with the others, as relevant elements for the studied phenomenon. In addition to direct observation, the video camera and the computer were used. Speaking: using dialogue to obtain useful information. For the present research, the preferred subjects are: knowledge of the particularities of the motivational system; hierarchical organization of motives; knowledge of the conditional determinative and inhibiting
factors for practicing of sports dance; evaluation and knowledge of the relationship between achievement motivation and self-image. Questionnaire-based survey: the questionnaire was developed to study self-image and self-esteem. It was developed and applied in order to study the importance that the subjects give to the sports dance practiced in the physical education class for the development of the motivation to realize the self-image. Statistical-mathematical method – statistical-mathematical processing of the data resulting from the questionnaire. Graphical representation method: Microsoft Excel was used.
Results. The obtained results were ranked according to the score, tabulated, interpreted and presented graphically.
Conclusion. The processing of the subjects results from the initial and final testing, highlights the awareness that has occurred on the benefits that the practice of physical exercises, in general and sports dance, in particular, brings to personal development. From the results of the study, it emerged that Sports Dance develops social intelligence, interpersonal relationships, communication ability, emotional intelligence, the ability to make voluntary effort, perceptive qualities. -
Background. The major importance of physical education lessons in higher education is achieved through their contribution to maintaining health, to compensating for the increased intellectual efforts generated by passing exams. Basketball training helps in the positive development of the general and specific motor capacity required by the subsequent professional activity, as well as to
the achievement of the necessary framework for recreation and the practice of the favorite sport. Therefore, at this level, the achievement of the following objectives will be mainly pursued: – maintaining health and increasing the ability to adapt to changing conditions; – the development of the general motor capacity necessary to carry out the sports activity; – improving the somato-functional indices and optimizing the relationship between them. Physical training is a component of sports training that constitutes the pivot for all other components, constituting the starting point for the entire training process (Ardelean. T, 1996). General physical training has different weightages in training, depending on the experience of the students and for the training of beginner students it is very important that the time allocated is much greater than in the training of students from older years.
Objectives. This study aims to find and offer, through specific basketball exercises, how to improve the quality of speed. Speed should be present in the equipment of the "motric luggage" of each student, considering the evolution of our modern society, to dynamic games. This speed quality motor offers several advantages to basketball players: – allows the execution of thechnical and tactic actions in a sustained rhythm; – gives the player a high degree of complexity and dynamic adaptation to playing basketball; – develops the player's thinking, attention, rationality and ability to concentrate.
Methods. For this study we used the following research methods: documentation, observation method, statistical method, graphical representation method and experimental method.
Results. For checking the motility of students enrolled in educational experiment we chose the following control samples: speed running 15m, speed running 20m and dribbling through cones.
Conclusion. The results of this test depend both on the execution speed and the technique in performing the dribbling. We therefore recommend that these results can be improved both by increasing the speed of movement and the execution technique.
The purpose of this study was to objectively measure and highlight laterality differences of high-performance martial arts athletes with hitting techniques and comparing the results registered by each subject. The hypothesis of this research is that through kinematic analysis on both fighting stances (dominant and non-dominant) we can highlight the differences in laterality for each subject. We used a system of inertial measurement units based on 17 motion tracking sensors composed of 3D gyroscopes, 3D accelerometers and 3D magnetometers namely the MVN Xsens Awinda system. We acquisitioned data from 8 high-performance athletes practicing martial arts with hitting techniques. We calculated and analyzed kinematic parameters for some of the most frequently used techniques in this category of martial arts, more specific direct and circular kicks. In order to obtain information related to the level of laterality of the monitored athletes, we compared the values of these parameters for the technical
executions on the dominant and non-dominant side and highlighted the significant differences through the Wilcoxon Signed Rank nonparametric significance test. To facilitate comparisons between subjects in terms of laterality, we drew up an original evaluation scale and created diagrams based on the scores obtained by them. Based on these evaluations, directing and individualizing training and choosing combat tactics can be made much more informed. -
Background. Performance aerobic gymnastics is, indeed, a form of art in motion, harmoniously blending elements from gymnastics, dance, and aerobics. Focusing on aspects such as coordination, mobility, strength, and endurance, this discipline challenges both the physical and mental abilities of athletes. The hallmark of performance aerobic gymnastics is the ability to execute quick and precise movements without compromising technique and accuracy. This requires a unique combination of strength, flexibility, and grace, as well as a good understanding of rhythm and music. Through this combination of traits, performance aerobic gymnastics becomes not just a form of training but also a captivating spectacle, attracting both athletes eager to test their limits and the audience with its dynamism and complexity. It is a discipline that manages to blend technical perfection with artistic expressiveness, thus creating an impressive and memorable spectacle.
Purpose: The research aimed to assess the level of preparedness of aerobic gymnastics practitioners from the second category in Romania in relation to the specific requirements of technical, artistic, and execution components imposed by the scoring code. Additionally, the study aimed to identify any errors that athletes may have presented within these components.
Methods: The research utilized bibliographic study to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the field of aerobic gymnastics and relevant points for evaluating athletes' performance. Statistical method was applied to analyze and interpret the results obtained by female athletes at the National Aerobic Gymnastics Championships, allowing us to highlight their evolution and identify performance trends. Additionally, graphical method was employed to visually represent the data of our analysis, facilitating
their comprehension and interpretation.
Subjects: The research period covers the evolution of athletes between the years 2019 and 2021, within the national championship. Our objective is to highlight and analyze the progress, stagnation, or regression of athletes participating in competitions over the course of the three years of study.
Results: It is interesting to observe the evolution of the UNEFS sports club over these years and the fluctuations in their positions in the competition's ranking. Although there have been changes in the ranking from year to year, with a variation in the positions occupied, it is remarkable that UNEFS has generally remained in the upper part of the ranking. In 2019, the UNEFS club occupied positions 1, 4, and 6 in the ranking, and the following year, they managed to rise to positions 1 and 2, signifying an improvement in their performance. However, in 2020, they experienced a decline, dropping to 7th place. In 2021, the sports club once again managed to rank in the top two positions, but also found themselves in 6th place in the ranking.
Conclusions: These fluctuations in the ranking can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as changes in athletes' training, training strategies, the level of competition, or even external conditions, such as changes in regulations or unexpected events. A detailed examination of these fluctuations can help identify patterns or trends that may affect the performance of the UNEFS club in the future. Based on these analyses, adjustments can be made in training and competition strategies to improve performance
and ensure that the club remains competitive in the national championship and other future competitions. -
Background: Women’s football is known to be played at professional level in a lot of countries. In Romania, women started playing football in unofficial matches in 1960, and only after 30 years, in 1990, the Women’s National Football Team was founded. Being a very competitive and accessible sport and taking account of his multiple benefits, women's football became more and more solicited by the students of the University of Bucharest.
Objectives: Due to its importance and recent evolution and because we find it attractive, we decided to make women’s football the main subject of this presentation. Along with the theoretical part of this project, we administered a questionnaire to some former/actual women's football players in order to find out their personal perspective related to this sport.
Purpose: Understanding the benefits that come along with this sport, how it has been promoted and how accessible they think it is to women. Moreover, we want to link the answers and experience of others, to our own experience in this wonderful sport.
Methods: For our study we have asked 24 female subjects aged 13 to 22 years old, out of which 13 are professional players and 11 are amateurs. Our questionnaire is made up of 14 questions, which together highlight the personal perspective regarding the practice of women's football, from three different directions: benefits, promotion and accessibility.
Results: In the past years, regardless the area we may refer to (professional, academic, amateur), a fast evolution can be noticed in all three main directions we have researched (benefits, promotion, accessibility). Our research shows that most of the players who have been encouraged by their family or friends to play football kept playing at a professional level. On the other hand, those that were not supported by their family, have lost their enthusiasm, and now they only play for fun or not at all.
Conclusions: From a really long list of sports, we chose to play football in college because it is a big and important part of our lives even though we did not choose to do this professionally. Analyzing the answers from the questionnaire, we can conclude that players benefited a lot by playing football, most of them saying that their lifestyle has improved dramatically since they started practicing this sport. -
Background. My personal triathlon practice inspired the creation of a specialized training regimen to improve triathlon training in Romania. This program aims to enhance performance, wellbeing, and injury prevention for athletes. At the INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE (CCI) “Dr. Alexandru Partheniu” of UNEFS, we used AEROSCAN technology to assess exercise capacity, measuring heart and breathing rates with the Bruce Protocol for precise physiological monitoring.
Objectives. This research demonstrates that tailored training cycles for swimming, cycling, and running can significantly enhance triathlon performance. The goal was to create a customizable, comprehensive training program to maximize the overall training process and provide a scientific foundation for triathlon training in Romania. This research aims to demonstrate that tailored training cycles can significantly enhance triathlon performance.
Methods. We used observation, experimental, statistical-mathematical, and bibliographic study methods to interpret the experiment's outcomes. The bibliographic study provided the theoretical basis, while observation and experimental methods enabled real-time data collection. Statistical analysis was crucial for interpreting the data.
Results. Using AEROSCAN and the Polar system, we evaluated exercise capacity and tracked heart rate. The Bruce protocol was applied for both initial and final tests. The data showed significant improvements in endurance, speed, and overall performance, supported by statistical analysis, after implementing the customized training program.
Conclusion: Our research indicates that tailored athletic training regimens for each triathlon discipline can significantly enhance performance and promote athletes' health and longevity. The results highlight the importance of individualized training plans and suggest potential improvements in Romanian triathlon training practices. Individualized training programs lead to notable improvements in performance and athlete well-being. -
Basketball is a predominantly aerobic sport during which high-intensity anaerobic actions are performed. In recent years, this characteristic has evolved in terms of demands on the athlete and intensity of the competition, implying an increase in the number and duration of explosive actions. To meet the demands of this sport, good technical, tactical, physical and mental training is required. The research purpose was to determine the anthropometric and motor differences between two male basketball teams from a private club, both playing in the U15 age category. The study included 32 athletes who were divided into two groups. One group was made up of 16 players representing the club’s elite team, and the other group also consisted of 16 players representing the club’s secondary team for this age category. All players were tested in the same sports hall on two different days, during their training for the U15 National Basketball Championship of Romania. Anthropometric and physical characteristics were measured using a test battery with six variables: Height, Weight, Body mass index, 10 m Sprint, Standing long jump, Vertical jump, and Little Marathon. The methods used were: literature review, observation, mathematical statistics, tabular and graphical methods. Differences in anthropometric and physical values between the basketball players of the two teams were determined using the t-Test for independent small samples (Assuming Equal Variances). Our research hypothesis is confirmed, since there are significant anthropometric and motor differences between the players of the two representative club teams, justifying the presence of the elite team in the U15 National Basketball Championship.
Background. Motor activities are actions that involve the movement of the body and the use of the locomotor apparatus in order to fulfill the proposed tasks and objectives. These are important activities for the physical development of the individual and the health of the human body in general. Lately, more and more emphasis has been placed on devoting free time to activities of relaxation,
entertainment, personal development, socializing, to restore the body after the pressure exerted by work tasks or other daily responsibilities. Motor activities can lead to the recovery of the required body, movement being a tool/means of relaxation, revitalization and optimization of physical condition. For females, involvement in sports activities has been limited by historical and social contexts. Introduced in Romania only three decades ago, women's football represents one of the team sports with multiple benefits, both physically and mentally, a fact for which it can be successfully classified in the category of free-time motor activities.
Purpose. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of playing football by women as a leisure activity. Thus, the presentation highlights the physiological and psychological benefits of this sport on the female body. These aspects are discussed through the prism of my personal experience as a player in the Representative Football Team of the University of Bucharest.
Rezults. Playing football, among other things, leads to the improvement of physical and mental resistance, resilience, tolerance and collaborative character, contributes to the hormonal balance of the body and the intensification of metabolic processes. At the same time, through the intense and complex demand on the body, women's football presents benefits on the cardio-respiratory system, reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion. From my experience as a player of women's football, both in my spare time and within the Representative Football Team of the University of Bucharest, we can conclude that this sport fits very well the physical needs of anyone who wants their free time to be used for health, relaxation and socializing. -
As a result of an increasingly important need to compensate for the harmful effects of the lack of movement determined by daily activities, people are looking for more and more diverse and challenging alternatives in the area of free time motor activities, so that the benefits cover both the physical and the mental sphere as well. By nature and their particularities, triathlon competitions, in
general, fit very well into this category, gaining more and more ground compared to other forms of movement, in the options of the participants, precisely because they offer a favorable environment where everyone can test their limits, can compete with other people and establish his own training strategy.Having this important and interesting information at hand, we will be able to better understand the perspective, preferences and reporting of the participants to the particularities of such a competition, all in the context of a deep awareness of the importance of constant involvement in a form of movement. The main purpose of this research is to create a profile of the participant in the Unstoppable Pantelimon 2024 Triathlon, by applying a questionnaire designed to lead to the identification of the main reasons that were the basis of this option. Moreover, through our scientific approach, we aim to highlight the way in which this competition resonates with the expectations and preparation strategies of the participants, thus leading to a common perspective regarding the benefits of participating in these physical activities. -
Clothing in the game of tennis is one of the most important elements in the sport, both in terms of the role it plays, and the impact of the historical tradition it holds. Over centuries, both clothing and tennis shoes have undergone massive evolution, transitioning from traditional attire to more practical and technologically advanced designs. This evolution has not only enhanced the players' performance but has also contributed to the financial development of tennis through effective marketing strategies. Clothing in the game of tennis has always had a set of specific characteristics, often passed down from one generation to another as an unwritten rule. Although it does not have a major role in how a tennis match is influenced, it has a significant financial impact, through the important role of marketing reflected by associating the apparel with important figures in tennis. Throughout history, tennis clothing has evolved, abandoning many of its traditional aspects, opting for a much more practical version of the way they are made in the context of innovation, technology and design (durability, style and sustainability). Despite embracing innovation and modern design principles, certain traditional elements persist, notably exemplified by the strict dress code of prestigious events like Wimbledon. Similarly, tennis footwear has experienced significant transformations, largely driven by changes in playing surfaces. These advancements aim to optimize players' performance at the professional level and, like clothing, contribute to the financial dynamics of the sport. Therefore, the present paper aims to illustrate how the evolution of these essential elements of tennis
equipment have led to the improvement of the game of tennis, and how the preservation of traditions over time has helped in the rise of the marketing element in tennis. -
Tennis equipment is one of the most important aspects of the game of tennis. Often, tennis equipment has a massive impact on how a tennis match plays out, or how the style of play evolves, even if it's less visible. Among the essential components of tennis equipment are the tennis balls and rackets. Complementing these elements is the playing surface, a critical determinant in the game of tennis. This paper aims to demonstrate the evolution of tennis equipment in the importance of quality tennis history over time and how advanced technology has or has not influenced the style of play and its speed. The discernible evolution of tennis balls, encompassing variations in size and materials, has significantly shaped the sport. Similarly, the modernization of racket design and strings, incorporating diverse materials–synthetic or natural–has ushered in a new era of heightened intensity in tennis, characterized by increased speed and power. In the same context, another key element is the playing surface, more precisely the four main surfaces, hard (or cement), clay, grass and carpet, which contributed to changing the game of tennis and its speed,
stimulated by the importance of the materials used to create, or the way of maintenance of these surfaces. Finally, in this paper, we will see how tennis modernization had a great impact on the production of tennis balls and the evolution of the way rackets are made, to which is added the composition of materials used in the creation or maintenance of playing surfaces, have led to a marked transformation of the tennis game. It will also elucidate how these changes have often elicited both acclaim and discontent among professional tennis players and, in certain instances, contributed to injuries. -
The game of football has, throughout its history, provided moments of unparalleled spectacle and popularity, with a global following. From the earliest documented instances of ball games played with the feet, without clearly defined rules, to the most sophisticated styles of play observed in modern times, the evolution of football has been a continuous process. The development of football has been influenced by the contributions of renowned coaches and players who have introduced innovative techniques, such as "tiki-taka" and the "Galacticos." These innovations have shaped the evolution of the sport in response to the demands of the modern era. A number of renowned coaches, including Helenio Herrera, Sir Alex Ferguson, Rinus Michels, Enzo Bearzot, Johan Cruyff, Pep Guardiola and others, have employed creativity to devise innovative systems of play and principles to enhance the abilities of their players, with the objective of achieving victories. The objective of this study was to analyse the literature on
the subject and illustrate the game systems that were employed in the earliest official matches and how they evolved in response to changes in the regulations. Over time, international governing bodies have issued regulations that have compelled coaches to be creative and identify optimal strategies for their teams to achieve victory and perform at their best. Each system of play has been described in chronological order, with the aim of establishing a correlation between the rules of play and the systems employed at the time. The field of football is undergoing continuous development, with technology playing an increasingly significant role in
the conduct of matches. Software and statistical data are being used by referees and coaches to inform decision-making, thereby reducing the time required for decision-making. -
Background. The remarkable popularity of sports competitions is not just a feature of the contemporary times. By studying the past, no matter how distant, it can be observed that sport has always been an integral part of human life, and played an essential role in shaping social, cultural and political landscapes. Today, football has emerged as one of the most popular sport, being played, watched and analyzed every single day worldwide, and has a similar impact on society as the gladiatorial combats had in Antiquity.
Objectives. The main goals of this essay are to explore the connections between ancient writings about sports competitions and the implications that football has on contemporary life, and to highlight the similarities between the both cases.
Method. Regarding the method, there were selected three ancient authors, Aristotle, Juvenal and Suetonius and then there were analyzed some of their writings and beliefs about sports and physical activity that can be linked with football. These authors have been chosen because they were citizens of international and influential powers, they had different professions and they were deeply interested in the nature of sports and its impact on individuals and societies.
Results. The study reveals several important similarities between ancient thoughts on sports competitions and the modern relevance of football. Aristotle’s philosophical works focus on the physical and moral benefits of sports, Juvenal’s satirical writings highlight the social impact of athletic competitions and Suetonius’s historical descriptions shed light on the political significance of sports in ancient times. All those ideas can be linked with modern football, considering the health benefits associated with this sport, its social impact and its relation with the politics fields.
Conclusion. This essay demonstrates that ancient ideas about sports continue to resonate today in modern football. Many of the ancient sports aspects are still relevant in the contemporary era. Through this study, can be encouraged the further reflection on the massive significance of sports in human culture. -
EMS Fitness is an electrical muscle stimulation, a full-body training method that offers the combination of strength training and cardio training through a machine that uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscle contraction. The aim of the study was to follow the effects of electrostimulation training on body composition, weight loss and muscle strength increase. Ten people, women and men, aged between 25 and 50, were studied. We want to demonstrate the hypothesis that the use of the EMS Fitness technique over a period of 90 days will lead to a decrease in body weight, optimisation of body mass index and increase in muscle strength. Participants in the exercise group performed 12 weeks of high-intensity training using specific EMS equipment in an Xbody. The objective of the experiment was to identify whether the use of EMS technology contributed to changes in body mass, skeletal muscle mass, body fat and visceral fat. All exercise sessions were constantly supervised; in addition, exercise intensity, volume and frequency were recorded in training logs. A body composition scale was used for testing, which provides accurate body analysis using BIA technology. The training scheme was used for 12 weeks, changing the dosage and intensity for each subject, with the first signs of weight loss appearing after the first week. Methods used in the research: experimental method, graph-tabel method, observation method, bibliographic study method. Our results support the hypothesis, as the use of the EMS Fitness technique over a period of 90 days led to decreased body mass, optimized body mass index and increased muscle strength. In conclusion, I believe that people in Romania should have a wider openness in practicing physical exercise in their free time in order to develop a healthy generation and decrease the possibility of reaching the stage of obesity and stopping diseases, and a good help in achieving this goal is presented by training using EMS Fitness technology.