„Das Kind hat mehr Zeit als wir.“ Zeitwahrnehmung bei Kindern und Erwachsenen in Michael Endes Momo


  • Ana Karlstedt Universitatea din Bucureşti Author




time perception, possible worlds theory, utopia, dystopia, suspension of disbelief


The concepts of time and time perception are crucial in this article. Moreover, the fact that time is perceived differently from children to adults is exemplified through theory and practice. The main object of analysis is the cult classic fantasy novel Momo by Michael Ende. Published in 1973, the book emphasizes the fact that children and adults have different visions and different usage of time. While children seem to have time in abundance, focusing on play and fun ways to spend it, adults fear they don’t have enough time on their hands. Michael Ende proposes a possible worlds dystopic scenario in which relentless and cunning so-called time-thieves have power over human time. It is only little Momo with her unique, effortless approach to temporality that can save humankind from extinction. Counting on his readership being entertained by his book, Michael Ende’s novel also has the power to make us highly aware of the consequences of poor time management. For this reason, the following article also ponders over the moralizing aspects of this timeless novel.





How to Cite

„Das Kind hat mehr Zeit als wir.“ Zeitwahrnehmung bei Kindern und Erwachsenen in Michael Endes Momo. (2024). Bukarester Beiträge Zur Germanistik, 6(6). https://doi.org/10.62229/bbzg6-24/10

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