Editorial Team

Consiliul Științific/ Scientific Board:
Prof. Dr. Paolo Carafa – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Dr. Carol Căpiță – University of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Miron Ciho – University of Bucharest, Romania
Assist. Prof. Dr. Emna Ghith-Hmissa – University of Sousse, Tunisia
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gutsfeld – Université de Lorraine (Nancy 2), France
Prof. Dr. emer. Antal Lukacs – University of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Ecaterina Lung – University of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. emer. Gheorghe-Vlad Nistor – University of Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Cristian Eduard Ștefan – Institute of Archaeology „V. Pârvan”, Bucharest, România
Prof. Dr. Christoph Uehlinger – Universität Zürich, Switzerland
Dr. Mădălina Vârtejanu-Joubert – Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris, France
Prof. Dr. Anton Carl van Vollenhoven – North-West University, South Africa
Lect. Dr. Daniela Zaharia – University of Bucharest, Romania
Comitetul de Redacție/ Editorial Board
Florica (Bohîlțea) Mihuț – University of Bucharest
Mădălina-Teodora Comănescu – Site Administrator

Publisher: Editura Universității din București - Bucharest University Press