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Revista CICSA, serie nouă reprezintă publicația anuală online a Centrului de Istorie Comparată a Societăților Antice (CICSA), în conținutul căreia se regăsesc studii și articole (redactate în limbi de circulație internațională), recenzii și prezentări de carte, din domeniile: istorie, istorie antică, arheologie, artă, istorie culturală, studii culturale. Materialele publicate reprezintă prioritar activitatea de cercetare a Centrului, redactările comunicărilor susținute în cadrul sesiunilor sale lunare și anuale, dar și alte contribuții și analize pluridisciplinare ale unor subiecte din domeniile menționate, după ce au fost supuse unui sistem de peer reviewed, specificat și în normele de redactare.
Current Issue

Studii și articole (redactate în limbi de circulație internațională), recenzii și prezentări de carte, din domeniile: istorie, istorie antică, arheologie, artă, istorie culturală, studii culturale. Materialele publicate reprezintă prioritar activitatea de cercetare a Centrului, redactările comunicărilor susținute în cadrul sesiunilor sale lunare și anuale, dar și alte contribuții și analize pluridisciplinare ale unor subiecte din domeniile menționate
Full Issue
Remembering LIGIA BÂRZU (1930-2003)
We shall never truly know to what extent an encounter, a person, a book or a life situation has influenced our destiny and becoming. If not for the awakening of self-consciousness, that imago, transformation and becoming of each of us, was prepared long before it occurred, through providential encounters with those who guided our formation, without us being aware of this thing. The awareness of the moment in which the assumed construction of one's own status begins coincides with the understanding of the importance of the people met by the will of destiny and without whom one's own becoming would not have been possible. Only then, reliving the stages of life in the mind, the image of the mentors takes shape, enveloped in an overwhelming gratitude, in a deep and ever-growing admiration for their way of being, of thinking, of working. Although the tumult of life and daily challenges do not always leave room for prolonged memories, it is always a moral obligation to commemorate those who supported us morally and professionally at the outset of our carrier. Evoking the teacher and scientist Ligia Bârzu is both a privilege and a moral duty. A privilege because she was successively our teacher, guide, and colleague. A moral duty as a natural part of our existence because the cultivation of memory is, equally, a recuperative gesture for those who have left and a purifying one for those who remain. We owe to professor Ligia Bârzu not only a part of our personal and scientific development, but also the inspired example of a dignified, assumed, and honest life.
Exchanging genes and goods: How ancient DNA can potentially illuminate complex mobility patterns in the Black Sea region
Ancient DNA (aDNA) has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the field of archaeology, providing insights into the movement of individuals and their goods. The field combines genetics, anthropology, and archaeology to reconstruct the intricate complexities of human history. Here, we discuss how ancient DNA analysis has the potential to enhance our understanding of historical mobility patterns in the Black Sea region, specifically in Dobrogea. We also offer broad guidelines and optimal practices that researchers should consider following when working with skeletal collections if they are interested in performing aDNA analyses. As aDNA methods advance and become more refined, we anticipate that our ability to unravel the intricate interplay between human mobility and cultural exchange in the past will also improve.
Defining the Human Condition in Stoic Philosophy: A Case Study on the characterization of Emperor Marcus Aurelius
This paper investigates, from a psycho-sociological perspective, notions of self-reflection and the human condition in the Greco-Roman world during the ancient period, focusing on the social constructionism of personal characterisation. In this context, Marcus Aurelius, one of Rome's most remarkable philosopher-emperors, was considered an exemplary, wise, and moral leader during a tumultuous period marked by wars, epidemics, and betrayals. The positive image of Marcus Aurelius has endured in history due to the efforts of recording and transmission of this depiction in ancient sources, which emphasised the enrichment of imperial power with attention to the philosophical form. Both within the Stoic doctrine and from the perspective of symbolic interactionism, the human condition is perceived as a result of social construction and subjective interpretations, in which the individual has the power to shape their own experience and create their reality. Qualitative research methods associated with symbolic interactionism emphasise individual experience and understanding of the world, being helpful in explaining broad social changes and the agency of participants. This perspective provides a broad framework for analysing interactions that shape social architecture through which the image of Marcus Aurelius is propagated.
Some preliminary conclusions regarding the end of the Roman Provincial Coinage in Dacia
The topic of the present study represents a complex matter in the numismatics of the 3rd century AD. This is reflected by the multiple interpretations of the situation and the numerous aspects that could have affected the end of the Roman Provincial Coinage in the entire Roman Empire. If the monetary system had a dual character at the end of the 2nd century AD (composed of the local and central coinage), the situation would be completely different one century later. At that point, a new framework could be distinguished: the dual system was replaced by a centralized framework of coinage produced and controlled by the new system of imperial mints. Dacia represents an interesting case study for the mentioned phenomena. Taking into consideration the numismatic material, the mint of the province was active only during the chosen period for the present study. Besides, Dacia is an important case study for illustrating the effects of the central policies at the local level. The main question of the article: What were the causes of the end of the Roman Provincial Coinage in Dacia?
A brief discussion about the circulation of North-Italic Firmalampen marks found in Roman Dobrudja
Regarding ancient clay lamps, one can only be impressed by the variety and creativity involved in certain types. Out of the numerous types of lamps that have been discovered and catalogued during past centuries, one particular category sparks interest in those who research the activity of this industry, and that is Firmalampen. This paper aims to start a new discussion regarding some aspects around the presence of this special type of lamps in ancient Dobrudja, part of the province of Moesia Inferior, mainly about the circulation of the North-Italic marks in this region, the trade and the local production. By comparison with other parts of the Empire, we can acknowledge some potential regional particularities and preferences of the population towards a widely spread product.
Working animal’s welfare in antiquity. An interdisciplinary comparison of ancient horse breeding and training methods, as well as historical equipment, with modern horse welfare research results
Working animals, the method of their breeding, preparation for work and equipment related to their use, are inextricably linked with production and trade around the world from prehistoric times to the present day. Typically, archaeological research focus on analysing the effects of human-animal cooperation, not the breeding and training process itself. The article presents an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, combining the analysis of ancient texts, obtained through excavations, elements of the horse tack, as well as the effects of the work of reenactors with the approach to animals presented by modern animal psychologists and trainers and their research on the welfare of working horses. The first part focuses on the comparison of ancient texts with current guidelines regarding the handling of farm animals and the principles of natural training methods. The second part of the is devoted to the comparison of the construction of Scythian, Roman and Medieval saddles with modern saddles, as well as the results of a meta-analysis of research on the pressure exerted on the horse's back by various types of saddles. The presented analysis was performed using the ANOVA method. The indicators used in it were the pressure force of the saddle on the back, measured in kPa, by the mat system Novel GmbH, Novel Electronic and Pliance-X System, as well as the presence of sweat stains on the back under the saddle. The obtained values were compared with known pain scales in order to identify the saddle exerting the least harmful pressure on the horse's back.
Between archaic and modern: σκύθαι and πατζινάκοι in The Alexiad of Anna Komnene
Since the emergence of Byzantine culture, the influences of Ancient Greece stood out due to the authors' desire to be inspired by the erudition of classical works. For this reason, medieval Greek literature is the product of a classicizing style that intertwines with modern tendencies. This practice had the merit of increasing the artistic quality of the chronicles but simultaneously caused numerous confusions. Frequently, authors borrow classical terminology to name contemporary ideas or concepts, but sometimes they even use ancient and modern terminology in the same phrase. The reasons behind the writers' intention to alternately use a common and a scholarly language are challenging to discern, especially since the complexity of some works such as The Alexiad makes the terminology used highly open to interpretation. The situation becomes much more complicated when, for three Eurasian nomadic peoples (Pechenegs, Uzes, and Cumans) different naming techniques are applied.
Book Reviews
TRACY B. HENLEY, MATT J. ROSSANO, EDWARD P. KARDAS (ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology. Psychology in Prehistory New York, Routledge, 2020, pp. 545, ISBN: 978-1-1385-9450-0
Volumul pe care îl discutăm reprezintă o zonă de frontieră, în care psihologia evoluționistă se intersectează cu arheologia cognitivă, pentru a răspunde împreună la întrebări fundamentale legate de apariția și evoluția omului. Ambele discipline s-au definit în domenii cu limbaj teoretic propriu, cu toate că cercetează adesea aspecte comune ale umanității. Arheologia generează explicații legate de artefacte (din preistorie până în perioada medievală), iar psihologia formulează ipoteze legate de psihicul uman (reprezentat de genul Homo Sapiens).
LLYOD LLEWELLYN-JONES, Persians: The Age of the Great Kings New York, Hachette Book Group, 2022, 448 p., ISBN: 978-1-5416-0034-8
Persians: The Age of the Great King de Llyod Llewellyn-Jones oferă o privire fascinantă asupra culturii persane, autorul însuși Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones fiind cunoscut ca un entuziast cunoscător al tuturor aspectelo acestei civilizații. Lucrarea explorează detaliat istoria, religia, arta, arhitectura, literatura și modul de viață al acestei culturi într-un stil accesibil și interesant.
Una dintre marile calități ale cărții este modul în care autorul prezintă sursele, evidențele și interpretările lor, astfel încât cititorul să-și poată face o idee clară despre subiect. De asemenea, se oferă o mulțime de informații interesante despre obiceiurile și tradițiile perșilor, precum și despre impactul lor asupra altor culturi și regiuni. Un alt aspect pozitiv al cărții este utilizarea imaginilor și a diagramelor, care ajută la vizualizarea și înțelegerea mai bună a subiectelor abordate. În plus, autorul reușește să explice concepte și idei complexe într-un mod simplu și accesibil, fără a-și pierde rigoarea științifică. -
BRUNO CURRIE, Herodotus as Homeric Critic HISTOS Supplement 13, Oxford, HISTOS, 2021, 109 p., ISSN (Online): 2046-5963; (Print):2046-5955
Această lucrare își propune să exploreze felul în care se raportează Herodot la Homer, în speță la criticile aduse poetului. Bruno Currie este lingvist și profesor de limbi clasice, lucru care se vede pe tot parcursul lucrării, prin modul în care navighează printre pasajele autorilor antici și prin felul în care analizează sistematic structurile gramaticale. Discuția pe care o inițiază are drept nucleu două pasaje faimoase din Istorii, din capitolul al 2-lea (117-116), respectiv, din capitolul 53. Autorul argumentează faptul că Herodot anticipează diverse poziții pe care autori precum Aristotel, Eratosthenes, Aristarchus sau Strabo le iau în domeniul criticii homerice.
ANDREW G. SCOTT, An Age of Iron and Rust. Cassius Dio and the History of His Time Leiden, Boston, Ed. Brill, 2023, 258 p., ISBN: 978-90-04-54111-5
Lucrarea An Age of Iron and Rust. Cassius Dio and the History of His Time, redactată de către Andrew G. Scott, este dedicată imaginii lui Cassius Dio ca istoric, ca un cronicar al evenimentelor epocii sale și creator al unor vivace portrete ale contemporanilor săi pentru posteritate. Acest volum face parte dintr-o serie mai largă de lucrări, numită Historiography of Rome and Its Empire, coordonată de către istoricii Carsten Hjort Lange și Jesper Majbom Madsen și publicată la editura Brill. Scopul acestei serii este acela de a favoriza cunoașterea istoriografiei Romei antice, de la perioada Republicii până la cea a Imperiului Roman Târziu. Lucrarea pe care o comentăm aici este volumul cu numărul 18, fiind cea mai recentă apariție din serie. Autorul, Andrew G. Scott, este profesor de Studii Clasice la Universitatea Villanova din Pennsylvania.
ANDREI OPAIȚ, ALEXANDRU BARNEA, BIANCA GRIGORAȘ, ADRIANA PANAITE, DRAGOȘ HĂLMAGI, Dinogetia II. Amforele romane Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2022, Biblioteca Istro-Pontica, Seria Arheolgie 22, 180 p + 105 pl. + 18 figuri incluse în text, ISBN: 978-606-020-549-4
În urmă cu peste 55 de ani era publicat primul volum monografic dedicat cetății romano-bizantine Dinogetia. Cercetările arheologice au continuat și o serie de articole au rezumat temele principale de cercetare, totuși cetatea nu a mai beneficiat de un volum monografic. Apărut la finalul anului 2022 la Editura Mega, al doilea volum monografic al Dinogetiei vine astfel la mai bine de o jumătate secol după primul volum și, din păcate, apare după moartea celui care a fost în ultimele decenii conducătorul științific al șantierului arheologic de aici, Alexandru Barnea. Dacă volumul apărut în 1967 era dedicat așezării medievale timpurii, perioadă căreia i-au fost dedicați primii ani de cercetare, acest al doilea volum se oprește asupra descoperirilor de epocă romană, mai precis a descoperirilor ceramice. După cum declară autorii, amforele romane – subiectul acestui volum, vor fi urmate și de celelalte descoperiri.