Pierre-Jean Luizard, Le piège Daech. L’État islamique ou le retour de l’Histoire

Éditeur La Découverte, Paris, 2015, pp. 187


  • Alexandra Veronica Moldovan University of Bucharest Author


Written in 2014, released at the publishing house from Paris, La Découverte, the book Le piège Daech. L’État islamique ou le retour de l’Histoire stands as an elucidatory reading not only on the terrorism and Islamic State issues but also on the contemporary history of the Arab states. The author of this book is Pierre-Jean Luizard, a French historian and researcher specialized in the religious and political problems in the Middle East. Currently, he holds the position of research director at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Aside from Le piège Daech, Luizard published works like La Question irakienne (2002) and Laïcités autoritaires en terres d’islam (2008), as well as articles for the French press.




How to Cite

Pierre-Jean Luizard, Le piège Daech. L’État islamique ou le retour de l’Histoire: Éditeur La Découverte, Paris, 2015, pp. 187. (2024). Euro-Atlantic Studies New Series, 6. https://journals.unibuc.ro/index.php/eas/article/view/275