Mihai Manea, Consiliul Europei. Politică și predarea istoriei în Europa

București, Editura Nomina, 2018, 176 pp.


  • Maria-Corina Preda University of Bucharest Author


Since its creation in 1949, the Council of Europe has promoted human rights and freedoms, the consolidation of democracy, political dialogue, and cooperation between states in the social, economic, and cultural sectors. Intending to have a united Europe, in which the inclusion and acceptance of diversity are some of the key elements in the growth of the individual, the Council of Europe has been involved throughout the second half of the 20th century, continuing until now, in the development of different levels of education in Europe, especially in teaching history. 




How to Cite

Mihai Manea, Consiliul Europei. Politică și predarea istoriei în Europa: București, Editura Nomina, 2018, 176 pp. (2024). Euro-Atlantic Studies New Series, 6. https://journals.unibuc.ro/index.php/eas/article/view/276