Vol. 28 No. 2 (2023): Romanian Biotechnological Letters

The Journal publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications. The main thematic areas of publications supported by RBL are: cellular and molecular biology, applied microbiology (microbial ecology, industrial microbiology, medical microbiology, immunology), functional genomics, metabolic engineering, physiology, ecology, nanotechnology, agriculture and farming improvement techniques, development of experimental methodology in medical, materials, life sciences and biotechnology.
Full Issue
The role of lactate dehydrogenase of the pleural liquid in the cytopathological diagnosis
Elevated serum or pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)enzyme levels can be associated with various conditions, including neoplasia, reticuloendothelial tumors, and leukemia. These conditions can lead to cell damage or death, causing LDH to be released into the bloodstream and pleural fluid. An increase in LDH levels may prompt further investigation into the underlying cause, which could include malignancies or other diseases. Elevated LDH levels in pleural fluid are often associated with
certain conditions, and our study seeks to establish a quantitative assessment of LDH in conjunction with cytopathological examination for diagnostic purposes.
We show here that the presence of abnormal or malignant cells in pleural fluid, as indicated by positive cytopathological results, can be concerning and often necessitates further evaluation. Elevated LDH levels provide biochemical evidence that supports the cytopathological findings, strengthening the case for a potential underlying disease or condition. -
An ecofriendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles using microalga Desmodesmus protuberans and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
Due to the numerous uses for nanoparticles, nanoparticle production is currently a particularly fascinating topic of research. Since no harmful chemicals are employed during the biological process, it is thought to be the safest and cleanest method.
The strong ability of algae to absorb metals and decrease metal ions makes algal synthesis of Ag-NPs particularly intriguing.
The current work concentrated on the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using the microalgae Desmodesmus protuberans. The preparation of nanoparticles was confirmed by the observation of the color change of the mixture of silver nitrate, after the addition of the cell free algal extract, from bright green to reddish yellow. The biosynthesis of AgNPs was further confirmed by scanning electron microscopic and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Furthermore, silver nanoparticles demonstrated a significant antimicrobial activity against the pathogenic microorganisms. -
Relationship between dentifrices based on hydroxyapatites and human enamel remineralization
Enamel demineralization is an intricate process that holds significant clinical consequences, being a central part of the emergence and progression of various dental problems, most notably dental caries. This demineralization of tooth enamel is linked to a variety of factors, including the composition of oral microbiota and that of saliva, the prevalence of sugar consumption or acidic soft drinks, and, of course, oral hygiene practices. The oral microbiome plays a role in generating organic acids that foster an environment conducive to enamel breakdown. Additionally, a decrease in saliva production can lower the oral environment’s ability to neutralize acids and support the remineralization process, thereby intensifying demineralization. Dentifrices enriched with biomimetic hydroxyapatites are important in preventing demineralization as they not only help with oral hygiene but also provide key ions that help strengthen enamel. Considering their similarity to the natural component in enamel, synthetic
hydroxyapatites have recently emerged as potent remineralizing agents. Hence, this work aims to illustrate in a simple and concise manner, some of the aspects involved in enamel demineralization and its subsequent remineralization, namely in the relationship between enriched toothpastes containing biomimetic hydroxyapatites and their remineralization eficacy. -
Use of formaldehyde to increase result quality in urinary cytology
Cytology is often used in screening programs for individuals at high risk of certain diseases, such as urothelial (bladder) tumors and prostate cancer. High-risk individuals may include those with a family history of cancer or other risk factors. While cytology is less commonly used for prostate cancer screening compared to other methods like prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, it can still be employed in certain cases to detect abnormal prostate cells. Specimen collection, often through urine or brushing of specific surfaces, doesn’t typically require special preparation or invasive procedures, reducing the need for prolonged hospitalization. Our study aimed to optimize the long-term preservation of urine samples for cytopathological diagnosis by using 10% formaldehyde, ensuring high-quality smear preparation, and assessing the effectiveness of Papanicolaou staining. These objectives are essential for advancing the field of cytopathology and improving the accuracy of diagnostic procedures.
Investigating the association between the CRISPR-Cas system and antibiotic resistance genes in Neisseria spp.
The study aims to examine the CRISPR Cas-systems in the Neisseria species, with a specific focus on its potential role in antibiotic resistance (AR). A total of 360 Neisseria strains belonging to different species were retrieved from the NCBI database. The CRISPR Cas arrays were found among 89 Neisseria genomes with 140 distinct direct repeats and 1661 spacer regions. While, 69% were determined to have the type II-C system and 28% had the I-C system. The CRISPR type II-C was found to have eflux pump AR (71%) majorly. It was found that species with several CRISPR arrays often had either no or just one AR genes in their genomes. The study highlights multiple CRISPR array in Neisseria spp. might have played a prominent role in the prevention of horizontal gene transfer of AR genes.
In vitro propagation of Lobelia chinensis Lour. under different LED lights
The current study was performed to verify the effect of light quality especially of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the in vitro regeneration of Lobelia chinensis. Nodal explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and treated with red (R), blue (B), white (W) combination red/blue (1:1; RB), and red/blue/green (1:1:1; RGB) LED sources. After 4 weeks of culture regeneration capabilities, growth characteristics, and bioactive compounds were evaluated. RB treatments were found suitable for shoot regeneration, shoot growth, and root regeneration from shoots. Photosynthetic pigments, total phenolics, flavonoid content, and DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP antioxidant activities were highest with plants regenerated under RB LED. HPLC analysis of plants revealed the highest accumulation of catechin and myricetin in the plants regenerated under RB light sources.
Lifestyle features as co-factors in head and neck cancer development
Ranked sixth most prevalent worldwide, head and neck cancers (HNCs) affect an increasing number of people. Several factors contribute to their occurrence, including genetic and epigenetic aberrations and lifestyle factors, including heavy smoking, alcohol consumption, chewing betel quid (Areca nuts), poor oral hygiene, consumption of pro-inflammatory foods, inhalation of chemical compounds, asbestos dust, and infections with HPV (human papillomavirus) and EBV (Epstein-Barr virus). Often
diagnosed in advanced stages, they have a mortality rate of about 50% at 5 years and pose a serious threat to human health. -
The potential of the radiation technologies to improve the quality of dietary supplements
The use of dietary supplements has much increased over recent decades, principally due to the need to correct dietary deficiencies but also for their supportive role in certain medical treatments. While they are regulated as food, with certain specific regulations and requirements that distinguish them from conventional foods, the manufacturers can choose to adhere to higher standards, that allows them a future upgrade as pharmaceuticals or medical devices. This paper presents the results of exploratory studies for the introduction of gamma irradiation as a method of control of the microbial contamination for egg lyophilizates currently marketed as dietary supplements. Characterization studies were performed with the goal of upgrading the products for the pharmaceutical market. The irradiation treatment improved their microbiological quality by the exerted microbicidal effect and it can be used as long as the other properties (physico-chemical and/or therapeutic) are not affected.