Structuri alternante cu sau fără prepoziția de în limba română – o analiză sintactico-semantică și pragmatică


  • Isabela Nedelcu Universitatea din București/Institutul de Lingvistică al Academiei Române „Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Author



alternative structures, the preposition de, syntax, semantics, pragmatics


The article examines from a semantic-syntactic and pragmatic point of view a series of alternative structures with or without the preposition de in the verb, noun, adjective and adverb phrase (examples: Am aflatV (de) intenția ta ‘I’ve found of your intention’, noțiuneaN (de) iertare ‘notion of forgiving’, capabilADJ (de) a învăța ‘capable of learning’, indiferentADV (de) ce a făcut ‘irrespective of what he has done’). From a syntactic point of view, more often than not, the presence of the preposition de can change the syntactic position of the constituent it precedes. In the same line, de occurrence presupposes certain grammatical or semantic conditions of the matrix word (for example, only certain reflexive verbs enter combinations with the preposition de) or of the constituent it introduces (for example, [+human] feature of the complement of a plăcea ‘like’). There are cases when the preposition is optional, displaying a very weak syntactic subordinating role (as in structures with infinitive). From a pragmatic point of view, the structure with the preposition de shows a different role than that with no preposition. In the structure with the preposition de, the latter can mark the prominence of the constituent it introduces or the salience of the referent designated by the noun it precedes. Another function the preposition de displays is that of focalizing the intensity of the property expressed by the adjective (in the structure with the adverbial intensifier așa ‘so’). 




How to Cite

Structuri alternante cu sau fără prepoziția de în limba română – o analiză sintactico-semantică și pragmatică. (2024). Romanian Studies Today, 8(1).

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