Volum 6 Nr. 6 (2022): ROMANIAN STUDIES TODAY VI, 2022


Principalele sale axe de interes:  poziționarea studiilor românești  ca parte integrantă a disciplinelor  socio-umaniste contemporane,  problematici ale procesului de învățare  a limbii române ca limbă străină. Romanian Studies Today se adresează româniștilor  din universități și institute de cercetare,  dar și specialiștilor în studii regionale, istorie, antropologie, studii politice sau cercetătorilor din alte discipline care sunt interesați  de limba și cultura română.

Publicat: 2024-02-15

Număr complet


  • Corespondența ca spațiu de întâlnire: „Fondo Culturale italo-rumeno della Prof.ssa Rosa Del Conte”

    Jessica Andreoli (Autor)


    1948 represents a turning point in the “intimate”, intellectual, academic biography of Rosa Del Conte. In fact, the sudden repatriation, determined by the complex political situation, marks the conclusion of her Romanian work experience. It was a sixyear footnote which was, first, an opportunity to open up to the Romanian cultural space.
    Upon returning to Italy, Rosa Del Conte became a spokesperson for the Romanian language and culture, first in Milan and later in Rome. Brilliant philologist and literary critic, passionate professor, Rosa Del Conte manages to maintain relations with the cultural elite that remained in Romania during the difficult years of communism, but also with Romanian intellectuals active in Europe. Starting from the archival material, especially from the correspondence, kept at the Fondo italo-rumeno della Prof.ssa Del Conte, I intend to propose a reconstruction of the Italian professor network of human and academic relations. To support the working hypothesis, I will propose two (synthetic) case studies from Rosa Del Conte’s correspondence: Emil Turdeanu and Lucian Blaga.

  • Diaspora românească din Ungaria în perioada postcomunistă – Portrete de intelectuali

    Iudit Călinescu (Autor)


    When we talk about the Romanians in Hungary, especially about the life of the community in post-communism, we cannot omit the fact that alongside the historical community here there are representatives of a Romanian diaspora who are actively involved in community life, participating in the common effort to preserve the Romanian identity. The Romanian intellectuals who migrated in the last three decades to the area populated by Romanians in western Hungary or to Budapest, managed to leave their mark on the cultural, journalistic, educational and spiritual life of the Romanians here. Analyzing their identity path, the way in which they managed to integrate into the historical Romanian community in Hungary, but also the challenges and difficulties encountered due to the different cultural code, can provide a clearer perspective on how this Romanian community currently lives and functions, outside the borders of Romania, being in a permanent transformation, trying to preserve their ethnic identity and resist assimilation.

  • Strategii ale politeții în discursul televizual românesc actual. Invitat – Gigi Căciuleanu

    Luminița Hoarță Cărăușu (Autor)


    The motivation for choosing the theme is based on the insufficient number of studies that analyze, exclusively, the strategies of negative and positive politeness, based on a corpus that includes cultural TV shows, such as talk-shows and television debates. The purpose of our study is to identify, inventory and analyze the main strategies of negative and positive politeness, because the cultural shows at which we stop provide the necessary material in terms of the analysis of the way and frequency in/ with which these strategies are used in the two television “genres”, talk-show and TV debate. Regarding the corpus, our study will analyze, from the perspective of the strategies of politeness that occur in discourse, four television shows that are part of the TV discourse and which have as a common element the guest of the show, Gigi Căciuleanu, a Romanian choreographer and dancer from the Diaspora: 1. the talk-show within the TV show Garantat 100% (moderator Cătălin Ștefănescu); 2. the TV debates Nocturne (moderator Marina Constantinescu) - TV shows included in Luminița Hoarță Cărăușu (coordinator), Corpus de limbă română vorbită actuală nedialectală, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House, Iași, 2013 (CLRVAN 2013: 244-251; 239-244); 3. the TV debate Branduʼ luʼ Chinezu (moderator Cristian China Birta); 4. the TV debate Cap de afiș (moderator and producer Andreea Știliuc). The last two TV debates are transcribed according to the transcription conventions mentioned in Corpus de limbă română vorbită actuală nedialectală (see supra) (CLRVAN 2013: 11).

  • Adrian Marino și literatura de călătorie. Despre evadarea prin cultură în republica literelor

    Florina Ilis (Autor)


    The present study aims to analyse several possible means of escape and dissimulation employed by literature in the communist period, as well as the means of seeking certain alternative forms of expression in relation with the  practices of the official literature. The case under scrutiny is that of critic Adrian Marino, in whose travel journals
    I identified a both interesting and ambiguous relation between the idea of a journey and that of a masked escape through culture, as well as a means of redefining the cultural borders in relation with the political ones. The phrase “republic of letters” is used and interpreted in the present study in relation with the meaning given to it by Pascale
    Casanova, analysed in relation with the Romanian critic’s vision. 

  • Despre locuire și migrație – aspecte contrastive, puncte de convergență

    Nicoleta Neșu (Autor)


    The present work represents a part of our research-concerns in recent years and will focus on the main theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of linguistic „habituation” (according to the famous Heideggerian phrase "language is the home of being") and the phenomenon of migration, in an attempt to integrate them in two perspectives: a
    sociological-philosophical one and a linguistic one. Therefore, we will try to underline and to find answers to some questions related to the essence of the migratory phenomenon in today's globalizing society, proposing, mainly, to identify what are its effects on the linguistic behavior of people who migrate, how it modifies the main coordinates of living in a language (abandonment of the mother tongue and installation in a new linguistic reality different from the mother tongue’s one). 

  • Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. A case study

    Felix Nicolau (Autor)


    The vantage point of e-learning, as well as its opposite, will be studied in relation to the e-learning system at Lund University. Sweden has already had an established experience in e-learning, so that the burst of worldwide pandemic restrictions and reformulations did not emerge as a stressful surprise. Even though Sweden did not impose facemasks and plenty of restrictions common in EU, the educational system reacted promptly to the online transfer where there was a case. At Lund University there is the only Romanian Chair left in Scandinavia. For more than twenty years now on-line platforms have been used in teaching Romanian and they cover both e-learning and m-learning. I had the opportunity to teach using all three of them: Luvit, live@lund, and Canvas. There has been a crescendo in the communicational and IT facilities secured by these platforms. Finally, Canvas came up with numerous educational resources. Students and teachers have the possibility to generate videos and audio content, to inscribe videos
    with their own message, and to use this platform for unmediated communication instead of Zoom, for instance. Under these technical circumstances, communicative approach, mentoring, and negotiation were more feasible and the educational input experienced a high degree of resonance and impetus.

Book Reviews

  • Ioana Sonea, Lavinia Vasiu, Dina Vîlcu, Manual de limba română ca limbă străină (RLS): nivelul B1 Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2021, 192 p., ISBN 978-606-37-1000-1

    Ionuț Geană (Autor)


    Manualul de față continuă tradiția clujeană de publicare a manualelor și a materialelor ajutătoare de limba română ca limbă străină (RLS), pe de o parte, și completează spațiul actual de diversificare a resurselor RLS (atât la nivel național, cât și internațional), pe de altă parte. Cele aproape două sute de pagini includ, pe lângă părțile introductive, șase unități de învățare, la care se adaugă o listă de cuvinte, scheme gramaticale, transcrierea textelor de la exercițiile de ascultare, precum și cheia exercițiilor cu răspuns obiectiv (în formularea autoarelor). Manualul este însoțit de un CD audio.

  • Cristina Dafinoiu, Veronica Nedelcu, Laura Pascale, Lucia Opreanu, Limba română pentru străini. Nivelul A1-A2 Editura Eurodidactica, Otopeni, 2020, 191 p., ISBN: 978-606-8929-29-3

    Raluca Levonian (Autor)


    În ultimii ani, predarea limbii române ca limbă străină a beneficiat de creșterea numărului de resurse didactice care depășesc abordarea tradițională, centrată pe gramatică, și adoptă o perspectivă modernă, urmărind dezvoltarea competențelor comunicative ale cursanților. Unul dintre manualele care se înscriu în această direcție este Limba română pentru străini. Nivelul A1-A2, apărut la editura Eurodidactica în 2020. Lucrarea a fost realizată în cadrul proiectului INTENS-O, CNFIS-FDI-2020-0648, finanțat de Ministerul Educației și Cercetării și desfășurat în 2020 la Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanța. Colectivul de autoare este format din cadre didactice ale Universității „Ovidius”, cu o considerabilă experiență în predarea limbii române ca limbă străină, ceea ce explică faptul că au reușit să definitiveze un manual coerent și atractiv pentru studenți, în mai puțin de un an. Așa cum se menționează în prefață, manualul este destinat nu numai studenților din Anul pregătitor, ci și cursanților străini de la alte programe de studii, precum mobilitățile Erasmus sau școlile de vară.